One of the aspects that differentiates youngster from an older guy is the prejudices and biases held in heart. When you are younger you have friends irrespective of religion, language or culture and you are eager to extend your friendship, but when older you have a selected circle and often keep biases. This feature of brain of storing images and linking to other characterstics is an improvement to your memory but this is counter-productive.

Why not let the world be a better place, by just each one of us letting go of the prejudices each person had associated with a bad character seen?

For me I could say, I have been nearly thrown of the road by over-speeding car driven by xy nationality, or backstabbing in office politics by ab nationality, been victim of favouritsim shown to a pq nationality at office. These features of my brain have been simply disabled by me as the master programmer. Believing in One God and all His creation would simply help us erase the faulty local softwares, stored by us in our brains.