I didn't ask because the guy at the counter was unequivocal in conveying to me that if I did the short driving course I will only have one chance not the two the traffic department gave me.

I started the course. So far so good. I am a bit concerned that my instructor has told me I will fail the test if I don't put the car in park and apply the hand brake when I am at an intersection controlled by traffic lights and the light is red.  Everyone else I have asked told me their instructors only told them to keep their foot on the brake. Who knows what is the true position?

P.S. Having started the course I can't say I have any problem with the school.  The theory classes were quite informative and the tutor, Issac, is very helpful and accomodating.

With the exception of the VERY ILL-MANNERED Phillipino Supervisor who signs the card before I go driving, the staff is quite polite and helpful ... so far.  Someone in Management should really speak to that Supervisor about his attitude. Whenever you tell him good afternoon or evening he NEVER answers.  He just drags your card signs it and shoves it back to you.  I have also observed that he is just as rude and disrespectful to the instructors.  I assume he must own the place why he can afford to be so rude to students.