Rape IS only about power is like if we are saying all fires are because of thunders.
Sorry but not all fires are because of thunders, houses which have thunders protectors will not got fire even if the thunder hit them.
The correct sentence would be like this Rape IS only about power when power is used in its wrong way.
Now if Isay all cars accidents are because of tires will I be correct 100%?
Ofcourse no, there are different factors for car accidents.
When things are used in the right way there will be no problems, now if we are in school and we saw three students who used pencil and injured them selves with these pencils can we say all pencils are bad? Or can we say Pencils are bad because they cause injuries?
Rape IS only about power is like if we are saying all fires are because of thunders.
Sorry but not all fires are because of thunders, houses which have thunders protectors will not got fire even if the thunder hit them.
The correct sentence would be like this Rape IS only about power when power is used in its wrong way.
Now if Isay all cars accidents are because of tires will I be correct 100%?
Ofcourse no, there are different factors for car accidents.
When things are used in the right way there will be no problems, now if we are in school and we saw three students who used pencil and injured them selves with these pencils can we say all pencils are bad? Or can we say Pencils are bad because they cause injuries?