Do you agree or disagree?

If some of us agree that not all men are the same and all women are the same and not all colors are the same and not all fingers are the same, then also not all rapes is because of one having more power, but it is because of other different factors as well.
Some might say but all colors are used for painting, I will say yes but these colors can be used to make a beautifule drawing or an ugly drawing, same thing goes for the cars if used properly you can reach home safe if nothing sudden happens and stop you, same thing for the power, if this power is used properly then you can use it to defend your self or victim people who are being attacked.
See guys it is simple any thing which used properly will give good results and vice versa.
So do you agree that rape is only because of more power or you disagree?
Pilgrim , Definitely not!. I think it was my friend's fault being to nice to 'n sweet as to let me take his car for 2 days ! lol 'n me being the biggest exploiter in Qatar , i had 2 do what i had 2 do... note ( i rank second after the cheap East 'n West Aisan labors exploiters ^^
Was it the Range Rover's fault Doha-Ghetto?
i took my friend's Range Rover for the weekends and raped it on the sweet sanddy domes of Sealine erea *_^
Why are we debating this again???
Rape is not fire or car accidents. You can't compare them.
Rape IS only about power is like if we are saying all fires are because of thunders.
Sorry but not all fires are because of thunders, houses which have thunders protectors will not got fire even if the thunder hit them.
The correct sentence would be like this Rape IS only about power when power is used in its wrong way.
Now if Isay all cars accidents are because of tires will I be correct 100%?
Ofcourse no, there are different factors for car accidents.
When things are used in the right way there will be no problems, now if we are in school and we saw three students who used pencil and injured them selves with these pencils can we say all pencils are bad? Or can we say Pencils are bad because they cause injuries?
Agree with pilgram--studies consistently show it is about power, not sex--i.e. the rapists gets sexually aroused by the control of his victim, not the intercourse.
Rape IS only about power. Read any studies done on rape and they will all tell you that it's a power issue.
that rape is not only because one having more power, but rape takes place because of other different factors as well.
I have written this post only to reply to one guy who said rape is only because one having more power.
Britexpat, I have written before two or three days something which states that the women should not be raped for whatever she wears.
We all agree at some points at least now.
Good point - a decent man would never take advantage of a woman in a vulnerable state.
Would you not agree ?
I get the gist of what you are trying to say.. Yes there are cases where some women by their actions put themselves in dangerous situations. There are also cases where some men take advantage of the situation. For example: woman drunk or stoned. BUT in ANY and ALL instances this does not give the man the right/excuse
to rape the woman.
Well according to SA that is indeed what we want and ask for :-(
The other one, sikandar!
which eye did SA open coz u look blind from one eye :-(
i say we go naked since we were born naked
Yet again you bring up the subject of rape. How sad you are.Undaunted by reality and proof given - you still feel that at some level women ask to be raped just because they may not dress in a way suitable to your high standards of morals or they lick their lips or move their legs in a certain way. I suggest to you SA you struggle with your own parameters and perhaps those need to be looked at before blaming innocent women.
it is rape if one party says no and the other still continue to do so by force.
here is the culprit
Why so fascinated with rape SA?There are of course some differences. The law is some countries recognize some differences--statutory rape (consensual sex but with a minor) for example.However, I cannot fathom a situation in which the assailant's behavior can EVER be excused (even on percent) due to the actions of the victim. For example, I don't care if she shows up naked on your doorstep. If she declines to have sex and she is forced, it is rape just as if someone had attacked a full clothed woman at a shopping mall.
as sumone mentioned rape is definitely to happen
Does anybody actually have a clue what he's blathering on about?
balders, because we all are supposed to wear ninja outfits to "protect" ourselves from you beastly men....rofl.
Why the obsession with rape?
Even it is different but at least there things that people here on QL agree on, but problem come from those who to say that there is only one source for a major problem and these people forget that this major problem is due to other small problems, here are some examples:
example1 House fire is because small fire
Small fire is because of spark
spark is of static electricity or children playing with matches
example2 Car accident maybe because break pad problems or tire burst
Break Pads are worn out and tires are because no proper check
example3 Feet injured and bleeding because of crushed glass on floor
crushed glass on floor because of broken glass
and we can build many other examples and I will keep the solutions of the above examples for you guys.
i agree with no merci that she disagreed with u at the same time agree with u that u disagree with no merci now both shld agree that u disagree to each other
You know what, you will not convince me of your way of thinking..ever. As I won't convince you of mine.So, can we just accept that we have different opinions and stop going on and on and on about it?