blind obedience. It's not the same as obying the commandments as given to both men and women. If woman was instructed to be obedient to man, man was instructed to take care and regards the woman as a precious jewel. If both parties obeys the commendments given to them, then there shouldbe less trouble.
A lot are mentioning isolated cases of abuse which is an excempton to the rule. If a woman devout a good time to serve her husband, does the husband go stray? Don't give that arguments that men are naturally polygamous (a wrong mindset). And in the first place, who chooses who to marry (in general we are talking)
blind obedience. It's not the same as obying the commandments as given to both men and women. If woman was instructed to be obedient to man, man was instructed to take care and regards the woman as a precious jewel. If both parties obeys the commendments given to them, then there shouldbe less trouble.
A lot are mentioning isolated cases of abuse which is an excempton to the rule. If a woman devout a good time to serve her husband, does the husband go stray? Don't give that arguments that men are naturally polygamous (a wrong mindset). And in the first place, who chooses who to marry (in general we are talking)