"A group of Malaysian women say they will fight divorce, domestic violence and other problems -- by appealing to wives to be more obedient"
Supposing this to be accurate reporting and this truly is the cause the group endorses and believes in then that's just sad! But its also the attitude I've seen among many close minded so called orthodox communities of all religions back home. Where its believed that a man can beat his wife, have a host of mistresses, drink like a fish, gamble their wealth away etc and the wife is still advised to be "patient" and "just listen to what he says" Sheeeesh!Why? Oh cos her folks don't wanna face the "shame" of having a *gasp* divorcee as a daughter...grrrrr!
Of course I find it even more saddening to hear Muslims sport this attitude simply because in Islam we believe that both a husband and a wife have their rights and responsibilities in a marriage and just one person fulfilling them alone will never a happy, or for that matter religious , home make!And I for one will prefer divorce over staying married to a wife beater! after all our Prophet himself said ""The best among you is the one who is the best towards his wife" and I always want the best,Alhamdullilah!!