Birth of Marmite!When German scientist, Liebig discovered that brewer's yeast cells could be concentrated, bottled and eaten, Marmite was as close to being invented as it's possible to be, without actually having being invented...
It was in 1902 that the Marmite Food Company (later Marmite Ltd) was set up in Burton on Trent. Our mission, then as now, was to share the joy of Marmite-eating and make it available to all those with excellent taste.
It took a while to get the machinery and manufacturing process right, but soon enough we started producing great quantities of the spread you know and love today. (Cue widespread celebration and dancing in the streets!)
Birth of Marmite!When German scientist, Liebig discovered that brewer's yeast cells could be concentrated, bottled and eaten, Marmite was as close to being invented as it's possible to be, without actually having being invented...
It was in 1902 that the Marmite Food Company (later Marmite Ltd) was set up in Burton on Trent. Our mission, then as now, was to share the joy of Marmite-eating and make it available to all those with excellent taste.
It took a while to get the machinery and manufacturing process right, but soon enough we started producing great quantities of the spread you know and love today. (Cue widespread celebration and dancing in the streets!)