Should Britain Send in the Troops ?

Another International Incident in the making. Is it time for diplomacy or should we just send in the troops ?
Health and safety officials in Denmark have banned Marmite. The yeast spread, known for its 'love or hate' marketing slogan, has fallen foul of a ban on foods with added vitamins.
"All the English people here are shaking their heads in disbelief and say that it is insane. I agree but it is the law." said a shop keeper.
Lyndsay Jensen, a Yorkshire-born graphic designer working in Copenhagen, said Brits would carry on spreading Marmite on their toast, even if it meant smuggling it in to Denmark.
"They don't like it because it's foreign," she said. "But if they want to take my Marmite off me they'll have to wrench it from my cold dead hands."
lol Brit!
Good one, brit!
Nothing wrong with a bit of curly :-)
Its a Big lie about Lie big :O(
Yeah, you said that the British stole an idea from Liebig.
Watch out - They taste Curly :o)
LP I did mention a German in there!
I take marmite with my Nacho's as a dip! luv it :-)
This thread is too British for me!
An even better combo - Marmite and Quavers :-) Try it lol
Birth of Marmite!When German scientist, Liebig discovered that brewer's yeast cells could be concentrated, bottled and eaten, Marmite was as close to being invented as it's possible to be, without actually having being invented...
It was in 1902 that the Marmite Food Company (later Marmite Ltd) was set up in Burton on Trent. Our mission, then as now, was to share the joy of Marmite-eating and make it available to all those with excellent taste.
It took a while to get the machinery and manufacturing process right, but soon enough we started producing great quantities of the spread you know and love today. (Cue widespread celebration and dancing in the streets!)
Marmite and Crisp sandwiches rock!
I used to work with a guy who loved Marmite and Crisps sandwiched :o(
Soooooooooo glad you said that. I hate that weak yucky excuse for marmalade. I am with you on that - in fact new sandwich idea - marmalade and marmite :-) It could be called a marmamite sandwich ;-)
Wash your mouth out with soap at once. It has to be thick with pieces of rind.
Some people just have no taste. Are you a lumpy lover or a smooth lover of marmalade?
Is it some kinda relative of termite....:)
this has to be nipped in the bud.. Today its Marmite. Tomorrow it could be Marmalade :o(
More for us Marmite lovers don't you think!
i wonder if the Marines smear this on themselves when attcaking in the dark ?
Apparently its a good insect repellant!
Please leave this thread at once.....
Britey,and on second thoughts the Army raid can be taped and aired as there is a free slot coming up, vacated by Oprah.
...That takes time and "some effort" the other option can be done in a day's work and be home for dinner, maximum damage would be a chopper!
It was on offer in Megamart, so there are three jars in my cupboard right now ;)
I love the stuff, but anyone I have given some to out here to try, thinks I am insane for putting it in my mouth.
I think it's a taste you have to grow up with as a child. No adult being introduced to it is going to like it.
Perhaps we should do what they did years ago. Rape all the men and pillage the women. And ofcourse refuse to drink Carlsberg..
Wrench it from my cold dead hands, interesting, is marmite that good? sorry i just have no idea what it is..
Just send in the troops and do the research at leisure [ that is if there is no other incident requiring immediate action]
Cameron wants to become the next Blair