So I'm been damned to hell and called a "Muslim by name only" for stating the truth! FYI Aaghosh I happen to be a Niqaabi myself...I have been wearing niqaab for over seven years now,Alhamdullilah!
In Islam we are not permitted to commit illegal acts. What the lady did was illegal. Wearing the niqaab is highly recommended but not obligatory and for an act that is not obligatory is it ok to break laws? Now don't go giving me your own opinions...give me proof from the Quran and authentic hadith only where it says its ok to break the laws of the land your in for an act that is not obligatory. I don't doubt that the Muslimas of France are oppressed and for that my heart aches for them but I will never support breaking the law...neither did any of the Salafus saliheen!