Hello, i have 3 children in DMBS- in reception, year 5 and year 8. All are extremely happy. We arrived in Doha 4 years ago and tried another school that did not work out for us. DMBS was a blessing. I have met some of the best teachers i've ever come across in this school, my children are educated, nurtured and looked after in an excellent manner and all love getting up and going to school there.
My relationship with the school is also excellent as there is plenty of opportunity to communicate any worries or jubilations i might have.
The eclectic mix of nationalities is also superb and has given my children a wonderful insight into the world. It has certainly grown their perspective in many ways.
i simply could not be happier with the school and i thank my lucky stars that this school was there for me when i needed it.
We shall miss Sandra- naturally - but she leaves a staff that is open, understanding and communicative and has the best interests of the children and the parents at heart.
please do check it out- the facilities are pretty fantastic too.
Just need school dinners and i will be the happiest mum in Doha!!