Well, that may all very well be so. BUT, QL wouldn't be QL if things were as you wish them to be. Seriously, why do you think QL is as successful as it is? Because people are drawn to a good argument, sarcasm, ridicule etc.
Sure, people go "into reading mode" for a while because what's going on upsets or bores them. But, they DO read. And then they go back to posting. It has always been this way. And if you think people leave for good because of what is happening, think again....they don't...or very few do. They read only or come with different usernames because they do not want everybody to know who they actually are.
Me, sure, sometimes I am annoyed by what's going on, no question. But then again, it's just an on line forum.
What is a bit disturbing though is that QL can change people's perception of issues...and not in a positive way.
Well, that may all very well be so. BUT, QL wouldn't be QL if things were as you wish them to be. Seriously, why do you think QL is as successful as it is? Because people are drawn to a good argument, sarcasm, ridicule etc.
Sure, people go "into reading mode" for a while because what's going on upsets or bores them. But, they DO read. And then they go back to posting. It has always been this way. And if you think people leave for good because of what is happening, think again....they don't...or very few do. They read only or come with different usernames because they do not want everybody to know who they actually are.
Me, sure, sometimes I am annoyed by what's going on, no question. But then again, it's just an on line forum.
What is a bit disturbing though is that QL can change people's perception of issues...and not in a positive way.