Love..peace..harmony please!!

Using Public forums to fist out personal issues is silly & immature …there is a line between free speech and unwarranted personal attacks in a public forum.
If QL want to grow and thrive it cannot be accomplished by allowing such trolls and loose talkers to disrupt this site. when someone is attacking another user by his/her name....why is MODs letting them go free? is it not vialiation of guidelines? Mods..Please don’t let the lash loose..
If anyone has an issue with another user don't you think it is better done by PMs or emails.
Nothing positive can come from allowing sick minded people to post garbage in a public forum. There are too many important things going on in this world to waste time and energy than the kind of things I have been reading here lately.
Its high time we focus our collective energy towards something better than bickering among ourselves... it only serves to feed the trolls.
I pray that you are healed of the fear, hatred, and blindness that encumber your mind and soul.
Peace and Love to all of us...
Then that would make it difficult..
OK.. FS can be QL Princess...
Britey FS is female :(
FS should be King !
FS is a person with an Extraordinary Personality.
I thot the answer is simple ... WK for Chairman!! :P
Hiya FS! Long time no ccccccccccc... and well said!
FatimahH said, "Many meaningful threads are torn to shambles due to a few haters and bigots."
True but I do agree with nomerci in that while we're annoyed by what's going on but it's just an on line forum. Basically, just don't bother. Many of us poke each other just for fun (even though it doesn't appear to be so online - the difference is that we have met and know each other) but some other people take the comments really personally though and it becomes like a personal vendetta.
this place is becoming too tough for a light hearted person.
Very soon you will hear someone dying of heart attack reading the posts in QL
but when the beef is with a whole community, the easiest way is to come online and create a ruckus
the answer is simple: you got a beef with someone, take it up with him.. don't drag it all the way here...
The answer is simple.... WK for the admin post :-P
The answer is simple. One rule for all.
so, has it been sorted out yet??? hope it's the last one we read...
You should have joined the convent :-P
Nice to have you back though ;-)
Yes.... A Few, On Both Sides.
TB, all will be back to "normal" soon I am sure. We are facing a not uncommon case of " a few are spoiling it for all others" at the moment.
My sentiments exactly, but I'd probably get banned for saying now :(
QL will suffer if such rigid rules are enforced long term. People use QL for fun (well I do anyway), and it's the mindless, friendly and humorous banter that keeps me here.
Yeah, it sure was fun while it lasted :)
Now we've been told that we must keep all topics 'on track'. That means no banter, either. All a bit confusing, really, but I guess folks will figure it out as they go along.
(No) thanks to all the nice, nasty folks we've had on here of late for making this happen.
chocaholic..what happened last night I missed all the fun again?
Was busy yesterday did not read or comment much yesterday?
lili.rochefort please can you explicit about which old Qlers you are refering too?
This is not about old and new. If you were around late last evening, you would've known.
The Mods are being quite indiscriminate about deleting comments and entire threads. There were points of time when people were addressing comments to another user while the latter's posts had already vanished! Me and mie included.
A pity, if you ask me, because there were a couple of really fun threads on, where everyone was having a good laugh. And there were several 'old' QL-ers on, too.
And it was my first time spending almost an entire evening on QL, but... :( Well, it was great fun while it lasted.
Sigh, had never notched up so many points in one day, either ;)
I may not agree with their (cited) reasons for all the rampant deletion, but I can say that they were not discriminating between users.
At least, not from what I saw.
Some QLers underwent the physical transformation from diapers to pants, but still didn't mature mentally or emotionally do you solve this?
Ahhh... so it's all the old QLers fault then?
Yep dis woz needed, coz some old Qlers r taking da p***! they r racist & realy show their true colors. Shame on u!
This does happen every few weeks/months in Ql. Nothing surprising about it. It was there in somewhere around December earlier, April last year etc etc..
Since the mods take action based on their relation with OP's things get worse.
Buttering time
This thread was required by someone, and FS is the one...
Good going....
well its not for posting on the threads but for moderating purpose and to keep out multiple ids in check especially for those who are banned.
Wouldn't mind giving my ID if that is a rule
I know freedom of speech will b curbed,
U loose some U gain some
Great idea. Why don't we start with you posting yours. Then we can rummage through all your posts and decide whether or not you've broken any local laws or criticized anything incorrectly.
can we get the Mods to acquire IDs of all existing and new comers. I know a lot of QLERs won't subscribe to the idea as it would hinder free airing of ideas to some extent but it will also help to keep sanity
If stupid people would stop disagreeing with me I wouldn't have any issues to work out.
Well, that may all very well be so. BUT, QL wouldn't be QL if things were as you wish them to be. Seriously, why do you think QL is as successful as it is? Because people are drawn to a good argument, sarcasm, ridicule etc.
Sure, people go "into reading mode" for a while because what's going on upsets or bores them. But, they DO read. And then they go back to posting. It has always been this way. And if you think people leave for good because of what is happening, think again....they don't...or very few do. They read only or come with different usernames because they do not want everybody to know who they actually are.
Me, sure, sometimes I am annoyed by what's going on, no question. But then again, it's just an on line forum.
What is a bit disturbing though is that QL can change people's perception of issues...and not in a positive way.
Still the trolls get fed though
We come up with such threads every now and then, its good but does it help to an extent or its just a feel good thread
the bashers still bash, the religious threads keep appearing in the main forum in one way or other, some for propagating others for ridiculing
the least that we can do in this matter, abstain from such threads and Do Not Feed the trolls and their egos
Welcome back, FS :)
Good post! Like you and many others, t's been bothering me, too. And I do wonder about the principles on which the Mods are operating.
Now is someone listening?!
well some think that they can get away with anything, that makes the silent majority to respond.
FS - to be frank, some of the persons involved in this BS are your close online friends themselves.
I am with you FS. agree 101%.
personal issues shouldn't be broadcasted in public forums like QL.
Amen to that... but it seems some people can't seem to settle personal issues privately and had to drag it all the way in public.... looking for sympathy perhaps? or some just plainly like all the attention...
this is wat was required at the moment after wat was going in QL for a couple of days...
Welcome back FS with a Big BANG....:)
You tell em...Most of us(I assume) are quite disgusted with the stuff certain posters come up with. Many meaningful threads are torn to shambles due to a few haters and bigots. Its pathetic really...but hey we can always hope! Good to have you back though..WB =D
in addition, i would like to add
"who on QL will tell to few posters not to educate everyone who doesn't believe or doesn't match to the level of your highness" who always keep repeating the same worlds of superiority complex in each thread.
Khattak, that is the reason why my points are getting increased every second day..... ;)
You didn't miss much, FA. Someone ate FS' points again.
Welcome back
Well said and excellent post x
" Sick Minded People "...
What did i miss????
on this thought! What we really needs are RESPONSIBLE MODS! Because there are a lot of IRRESPONSIBLE posters!
Yes, the employers in Qatar are paying to "QL Think Tankers" for Qling.