I'm really impressed by the mature way that most of you took that little critique. And I must say the threads for the most part seem to be staying on track hmm today (oh joy!).
Thanks everyone for your comments, Timebandit and Nomercy, you are both right and this site is a great place to make friends, just every now and then I think its relevant to remind people there are new people on here that might get the wrong impression by some of the out and out personal attacks that go on, if only for the sake of bordom and debate.
Neyturi, I think those same ladies sent me hate mail. No its not funny and in very poor taste.
Smoke and UK expat, you guys are the worst and the best of QL lol.
Be happy, and most of all be nice to each other. Words are the softest feather or a lethal weapon, so use them wisely.
I'm really impressed by the mature way that most of you took that little critique. And I must say the threads for the most part seem to be staying on track hmm today (oh joy!).
Thanks everyone for your comments, Timebandit and Nomercy, you are both right and this site is a great place to make friends, just every now and then I think its relevant to remind people there are new people on here that might get the wrong impression by some of the out and out personal attacks that go on, if only for the sake of bordom and debate.
Neyturi, I think those same ladies sent me hate mail. No its not funny and in very poor taste.
Smoke and UK expat, you guys are the worst and the best of QL lol.
Be happy, and most of all be nice to each other. Words are the softest feather or a lethal weapon, so use them wisely.