I leave the country for 3 days and when i get back i see some real nasty PM's sent to me. I joined this site recently and I am already getting hate messges for having a simple debate from persons who dont have one single comment to their name.

Rishimba - the bite on a green chilly is not always delicious. It can STING.

I had a normal debate with you on a thread and you took my comments to you personally. So much so I have receievd hate messges from 2 ladies. Now i have no idea if you have taken on 2 other ID's to do this job or if you have friends who are doing this.

But it is in rather poor taste. I did not realise that you needed a lady/ladies to look out for you. I thought you could stand up for your ownself. But I see that its not true.

To me this is just a debate. Nothing personal. But to send me nasty hate mail in response to an open debate is not in good taste. I thought you had a little more class than that.

Dont bother to reply. Good Day to you and your friends.