Kabayan, as example
What I understand is you were desperate to go like to Germany for Training….the Company decided to send you and paid all the expenses for Ticket, Training, Hotel and also gave you like 1,000.00 Euros for your daily expenses. While giving the money, you were told to bring the bills for your daily expenses as general company policy. On top of all that the German Company gave you like 500.00 Euro as pocket money for your expenses.
On your return when the company requested you to submit your bills for the expenses, you refused to do so saying that you do not have any bills. Ideally company should have asked you to return the entire 1000 Euros that was given for your expenses. However the Finance department agreed to accept handwritten bills signed by the department manager. When you submitted the bills, it was noticed that you included in your clarification very high cost for laundry, alcoholic drinks and many things which no companies will accept. Again the company gave you a second chance to submit a revised bill and you agreed to accept 500 Euros for your expenses and return the remaining 500 Euros. Even after following up several times, when you did not return the money, the company decided to deduct the amount from your salary. At this point you called up the German company and informed them about this internal matter, which is un acceptable. Still the company did not take any action and agreed to give you 650 Euros for your expenses (does not include the 500 Euro given by the German Company). So now you are supposed to return only 350 Euros to the company which have not done so far.
In view of the above, my question is where did the company treat you badly? Everyone in the company knows you actual expenses would be much lesser than what you are getting. The Money that you spend on drinks and shopping would not be paid by the company. So do not misguide the people on the forum by telling lies.
Kabayan, as example
What I understand is you were desperate to go like to Germany for Training….the Company decided to send you and paid all the expenses for Ticket, Training, Hotel and also gave you like 1,000.00 Euros for your daily expenses. While giving the money, you were told to bring the bills for your daily expenses as general company policy. On top of all that the German Company gave you like 500.00 Euro as pocket money for your expenses.
On your return when the company requested you to submit your bills for the expenses, you refused to do so saying that you do not have any bills. Ideally company should have asked you to return the entire 1000 Euros that was given for your expenses. However the Finance department agreed to accept handwritten bills signed by the department manager. When you submitted the bills, it was noticed that you included in your clarification very high cost for laundry, alcoholic drinks and many things which no companies will accept. Again the company gave you a second chance to submit a revised bill and you agreed to accept 500 Euros for your expenses and return the remaining 500 Euros. Even after following up several times, when you did not return the money, the company decided to deduct the amount from your salary. At this point you called up the German company and informed them about this internal matter, which is un acceptable. Still the company did not take any action and agreed to give you 650 Euros for your expenses (does not include the 500 Euro given by the German Company). So now you are supposed to return only 350 Euros to the company which have not done so far.
In view of the above, my question is where did the company treat you badly? Everyone in the company knows you actual expenses would be much lesser than what you are getting. The Money that you spend on drinks and shopping would not be paid by the company. So do not misguide the people on the forum by telling lies.
Be careful….. You are being watched.