in India and Pakistan but even in Sri Lanka there has been a soaring rate of divorces. Two of my closest friends got divorced a short time back and while one of them had a very valid reason the other simply divorced based on what I know was nothing short of common marital spats blown waaaay out of proportion(she admits this herself). I think of my own parents in comparison who stayed married for twenty eight years in a very turbulent marriage until finally throwing in the towel just a few years back as grand parents!While I don't support couples staying married under such obvious marital discords and mutual incompatibility years on end as it definitely causes much pain to them, their kids and those around them I also cannot support divorcing at whim! People today IMO are way to impatient, intolerant and full of high expectations and whilst having defects themselves cannot comprehend their partners imperfections .It pays to remember no human being is perfect and there are great blessings in being patient with one another specially in times of trial and stress which is inevitable in any marriage!
in India and Pakistan but even in Sri Lanka there has been a soaring rate of divorces. Two of my closest friends got divorced a short time back and while one of them had a very valid reason the other simply divorced based on what I know was nothing short of common marital spats blown waaaay out of proportion(she admits this herself). I think of my own parents in comparison who stayed married for twenty eight years in a very turbulent marriage until finally throwing in the towel just a few years back as grand parents!While I don't support couples staying married under such obvious marital discords and mutual incompatibility years on end as it definitely causes much pain to them, their kids and those around them I also cannot support divorcing at whim! People today IMO are way to impatient, intolerant and full of high expectations and whilst having defects themselves cannot comprehend their partners imperfections .It pays to remember no human being is perfect and there are great blessings in being patient with one another specially in times of trial and stress which is inevitable in any marriage!