This information can NEVER be true! How come they knew the poisoning was from the waster? this water is highly sterlized & purified. i've been using it for my baby since birth & now shi is 4 years old & still using it. it's perfect for his, never had gas or digesting problems. these bottles must have been left in the sun for toooo long so the plastic interacted with the sun & created these brown liquid floating. i dout they are a competitor fot this company who want to make people feel bad for Bambini Water. we have experienced alot of troubles with big brands before like pepsi, KFC and not body is talking coz it's a brand name that everybody trust. but me, my family, cllegues & friends are all using Bambini water & we are soooo happy & satisfied with it. Please be sure before you wrrite any information or believe any news.