Bambini baby water causes food poisoning
A small baby was hospitalize last month in Salmaniya hospital in Bahrain due to food poisoning. After the tests it was discovered the posing was caused due Bambini baby water. The health department discovered that there was fungus in some of the bottles which caused the food poisoning. As you can see in the pictures, there's some brown liquid floating in the water. So qlers be careful and if you love your babies, refrain from buying this product.
anythings possible
That is impossiple!! i use this water for over a 5 years for now for my baby !! and all of my freinds do as well, and no one ever have trouble or even complained from it!! so how that happend! do u have any kind of paper from this hospital which we can see if this is really true!!
This information can NEVER be true! How come they knew the poisoning was from the waster? this water is highly sterlized & purified. i've been using it for my baby since birth & now shi is 4 years old & still using it. it's perfect for his, never had gas or digesting problems. these bottles must have been left in the sun for toooo long so the plastic interacted with the sun & created these brown liquid floating. i dout they are a competitor fot this company who want to make people feel bad for Bambini Water. we have experienced alot of troubles with big brands before like pepsi, KFC and not body is talking coz it's a brand name that everybody trust. but me, my family, cllegues & friends are all using Bambini water & we are soooo happy & satisfied with it. Please be sure before you wrrite any information or believe any news.
hindsight is 20/20
don't be so 'condescending'
this was a freak incident
Even the distilled water you are extolling can get poisoned
The baby products market is a lucrative one. They aim a lot of stuff at parents who they know will go all out to buy the best for their precious bundle of joy. It's up to us parents to be very careful.
Just buy normal distilled water and give him. What is so special about distilled water for babies?
From experience I would say be very wary of new products aimed at kids. Maybe I'm a paranoid mother, but it helps to be on the safe side.
Incidentally filtered and boiled tap water in Qatar is good to go
But at the same time, I don't think that is ground for trivializing someone preferring bottled water over tap water
because you don't have to boil's distilled..that's why..why do you also buy bottled water?why don't you try to drink ordinary tap water?let's see what happens..
yup... ice u r correct
Why do people go for these "marketed" baby products, can't they make them at home.
Bambini baby water...For God's sake. Just give him boiled and cooled water.
is this true?any link from the source?my baby is using this water for more then a year now..
Hello thexonic buddy ! Welcome Backk !
long time....
The name "Bambini" itself is so crap...:(