Gardarene, I think you are wrong on quite a few levels...excuse my "spiel", lol
I talked to some people, and here is what I got. Yes, most women are not happy with the shopkeepers here...but , for many it is not a problem as they do not regard them as "men".And also as mentioned before, they are not happy, they do something about it...hence "family fridays".
And saying that most women here are kept in the house, out of sight...well, then I want to ask you who are all those women clad in elegant abayas, with high heels and make up in the shopping malls etc?

I think the wives, sisters, mothers etc. of the men we see staring and behaving inappropriately are the ones who are hidden away...

I am also not "zeroing" in on one souk, these things happen everywhere in Qatar...I just mentioned where it happened to me at this one time. I thought that was clear though...