Firstly, what has marriage got to do with the dress code at the Aqua Park?
Secondly, you make it appear that 'Ur ppl' - I take it you mean UK citizens - are somehow out of step with the rest of the world, and that Islamic value countries are numerous; Fact- non-Muslims make up 80% of the worlds population.
And please tell me how many Islamic value countries decide to have a dress code forbidding normal swimming costumes in an Aqua Park?
Your position is in a infinitesimally small percentage in the World, a very small percentage in the Islamic World, a minority in Qatar and, I dare say, a minority amongst Qataris themselves. You are out numbered hugely.
Firstly, what has marriage got to do with the dress code at the Aqua Park?
Secondly, you make it appear that 'Ur ppl' - I take it you mean UK citizens - are somehow out of step with the rest of the world, and that Islamic value countries are numerous; Fact- non-Muslims make up 80% of the worlds population.
And please tell me how many Islamic value countries decide to have a dress code forbidding normal swimming costumes in an Aqua Park?
Your position is in a infinitesimally small percentage in the World, a very small percentage in the Islamic World, a minority in Qatar and, I dare say, a minority amongst Qataris themselves. You are out numbered hugely.