but let me know how you rate the safety of the park? Are you in any way have the capacity to judge it objectively or in a POV of someone expert on such structures? Or are you just blowing out of proportion an unfortunate incident which can be avoided if the kid just listen to the guard at the ride?

You keep saying, they should open it if they improve the safety standard, what is this level of standard are you referring to? Are you an expert in such park structure and can tell us what is the level of safetiness we should expect so we won't be in a limbo all the time.

Can you suggest a person who can qualify and certify that the park is safe and that his/her words can be taken seriously?

If the management says it's safe and you say it's not, who should we believe? Who is the authority to certify that this park should be closed indefinitely until such certification of safety is achieved?

Am I now to believed that the park opened without the blessing of the government agency concerned?