I sometimes feel compelled to comment on every thread I read. But I've come to learn that is pointless. Unless you have something relevant to say, don't comment. I don't keep myself active on more than five threads at a time. I restrict myself to those threads and monitor them using the track function.

Its also about the quality of the comments, try to make comments that have some genuine substance, wit or humor.

And then there's the 'clique' mentality. I've noticed that there are certain people whose threads attract a lot of attention. That has two sides, it keeps the site active. But on the flip side, quantity sometimes comes with a compromise of quality.

We have to be more promiscuous in our commenting behavior. There are some less outspoken members who have something genuine to say and its important they feel welcome and can be drawn to a genuine and meaningful discussion. Sometimes I feel they even get bullied away by the regular members. Often for posting a topic that has been discussed already, but a newbie has to be forgiven for that and has to be told that the topic has been discussed already.