Yes I know what you mean,nm...this too now seems to be a growing trend among many Muslim men the world over, marrying and divorcing at whim simply to either satisfy their sexual gratifications or to have hundreds of kids. Its deffo not a part of the pure sunnah as in Islam we are warned that divorce is a something not to be played around with and how evil it is to divorce without a very vallied reason. Sadly many men are doing this today. In fact an American friend of mine told me many horror stories of having married a man, moved states to stay with him, only to be told a day or two later,after they slept together that the guy felt he "wasn't ready for commitment" Audubillah!
As for old as the hills men marrying younger girls then thats really sad. They make the excuse of the Prophet marrying 'Aisha forgetting he, Muhammaed was blessed with great strength and handsome looks, more than any man today! Of course then divorce is inevitable cos the man cannot satisfy the woman! this happens in Sri Lanka as well and its just terrible!