A man can have more than one wife and it may be for the reasons you stated like to help out single women in trouble or to have more children but he is also permitted to take more wives simply for the reason that he desires another wife. However his method of proposing should be that he either approaches a male from her family or a female or in case of some converts and orphans a man appointed her "wakeel" (sort of like a lawyer) This is how a proposal of marriage is made in Islam..period. Having "affairs" and "falling in love"etc is not a part of the sunnah! Yes you can talk to the woman and get to know her as well as see her without hijab even as a part of the proposal proceeder before both parties agree to the marriage but here too there are boundaries one cannot cross like indulging in lewd conversations and/or kissing and hugging etc.
And once a man actually takes on more than one wife he has to provide for all of his wives equally in terms of time, financial support, and physical intimacy etc. Many men today forget all of this in their lust for having more women which is why we here of stories like the OP. and which is why many people of knowledge do not recommend it to everyone and warn those who do want it to fear Allah and think ten times over!
A man can have more than one wife and it may be for the reasons you stated like to help out single women in trouble or to have more children but he is also permitted to take more wives simply for the reason that he desires another wife. However his method of proposing should be that he either approaches a male from her family or a female or in case of some converts and orphans a man appointed her "wakeel" (sort of like a lawyer) This is how a proposal of marriage is made in Islam..period. Having "affairs" and "falling in love"etc is not a part of the sunnah! Yes you can talk to the woman and get to know her as well as see her without hijab even as a part of the proposal proceeder before both parties agree to the marriage but here too there are boundaries one cannot cross like indulging in lewd conversations and/or kissing and hugging etc.
And once a man actually takes on more than one wife he has to provide for all of his wives equally in terms of time, financial support, and physical intimacy etc. Many men today forget all of this in their lust for having more women which is why we here of stories like the OP. and which is why many people of knowledge do not recommend it to everyone and warn those who do want it to fear Allah and think ten times over!