The man had some questions..he asked. What's the fuss over a non Muslim questioning the Quran and the reliability of Sahabahs when so called Muslims do far worse? Are we forgetting the sects that actually make cursing Sahabahs (Radhiyallahu anhuma) mandatory? Please...Muslims need to stop being so over sensitive! The Prophet himself was questioned far worse but answered all with great patience and tolerance as did the Sahabah..they are our examples!
The man had some questions..he asked. What's the fuss over a non Muslim questioning the Quran and the reliability of Sahabahs when so called Muslims do far worse? Are we forgetting the sects that actually make cursing Sahabahs (Radhiyallahu anhuma) mandatory? Please...Muslims need to stop being so over sensitive! The Prophet himself was questioned far worse but answered all with great patience and tolerance as did the Sahabah..they are our examples!