Can you please send me the price for the short,half, full course, and the number of days for each.
I have already taken direct test, 2 times failed, but I already passed signal and parking, so I need only the road test. I took this in Karwa without training. But the police there suggested me to have short course and get 1 chance or 1 maybe. I would like to discuss this matter to you via phone or PM. Can it be possible kabayan? thanks
HI Ms. Meann_hernandez,
Can you please send me the price for the short,half, full course, and the number of days for each.
I have already taken direct test, 2 times failed, but I already passed signal and parking, so I need only the road test. I took this in Karwa without training. But the police there suggested me to have short course and get 1 chance or 1 maybe. I would like to discuss this matter to you via phone or PM. Can it be possible kabayan? thanks