@ those who spoke about the extreme climate here in summer then what about the extreme cold climate that was in South Africa during the World cup?! In many days the Degrees riched near Zero and the players who is not playing where literally freezing and putting blankets on them! Not mentioning the rain that runes everything and make crowds to leave stadiums!! what about the frozen grass on the stadiums because of the weather? why would you and FIFA accept the extreme cold weather but not the extreme hot? is it because it is closer to the European weather? indeed hot is easier to stand and live with than the cold weather which could make u sick! Leave aside how South Africa is rated among the highest rates of Crimes in the world! I bet that there was a "Southafricaliving" website with people like u saying that there is not chance that South Africa will win the bid but it did!! So South Africa is never the perfect place to host the WC but FIFA gave them a chance because they want to give a chance to African countries to host the WCand maybe this time they want to give a chance to Middle eastern counties!

Think about it in this way and you will see the Qatar has a chance!