FIFA delegation visit for Qatar 2022 bid!

Hello everyone,
These are exciting times for Qatar indeed. Here are a few pictures which I got off the internet of the FIFA inspection team's visit to the country. They saw some of the new cooling technology on offer and was even part of the match between Al Sadd and Al Rayyan at Al Sadd. I was there and the temperature inside the stadium was 19 degrees while outside it was 37. Pretty amazing what they did. I now feel they can effectively neutralise the heat factor... Here is wishing them all luck.
NOTE: ALL photos taken off the internet. None of them are mine.
come on Qatar
Gadarene, I think most of us have gathered that Exceptional has no idea what he stalking about or really understands our posts and the spirit they are posted in...he tends to go way off topic and theme and borders on the extreme side of things....but hey hes providing amusement for us with his dribble....I'm enjoying your posts mate, talking like a true football fan who lives in Qatar and knows the country.
@ Xceptional,"backtracking",my my big words we're using aren't we? If you would be so kind as to point out where i "backtracked"?...I have nothing against Qatar's culture,as long as they don;t impose it on me 'cos it's not my culture & how does my respecting Qatar's culture have ANYTHING to do with me supporting ther bid???
"accepting the truth"??? excuse my ignorance but if you would be so kind as to enlighten me about what exactly "the truth" is???...
& hey,thanks for appreciating...whatever it is you said you appreciate,i haven't the faintest but thank you,that so enriches my life!...
Lol xceptional, I m not barging in, u starting bashing me for having an opinion. U r the one clueless here who doesn't know what raven, gardene & I are talking about.
My period is fine, but I m glad that u can finally jerk off looking at qatar2022 logo
Again Exceptional you talk dribble...make some sense or move on....if i hated Qatar I wouldn't be here, don't confuse that with my opinion they won't win the bid, is that a bit much for your small mind to comprehend?
Thanks for backtracking.. and supporting (or not opposing) and respecting Qatar's culture & bid for 2022..
I appreciate.. accepting the truth is not always a defeat mate !!
Seems, you are waiting for Qatar's outage from the competition even before 02 December.. it shows how much apprehensive you are about the defeat of other bidding nations if Qatar is there in the race !!
I am sorry but you are gonna loose it dude !!
Better, get a life .. throw away your hatred against Qatar from now itself !!
You are behaving like a stupid WOLF here.. contribute something to this arguement.. then only u'd qualify to barge in !!
By the way, howz ur periods going on?? is it 3rd one or 4th in this month ?? ;-)
Take proper rest baby.. dont jump so much !!
@ Raven,don't think it makes much sense to him either mate!...*wink*!!!
hahaha I was just reading Exceptionals post dated Wed, 20/10/2010 - 12:47am again, does that make ANY sense to you guys at about verbal dioreah (excuse the spelling).....
@ Raven,thanks mate...i speak as a football lover & nothing else,i have NOTHING against Qatar as people insinuate or imagine,my feelings would be exactly the same for ANY other country in this situation that were bidding for the World Cup...
@ qatartatta,Xceptional doesn't have a clue...period...*wink*!...
gadarene you speak so much common sense mate its refreshing, not once in your posts have you been insulting or putting down Qatars bid just stating valid facts as to why Qatar does not deserve to win the bid,and to date no one has come up with a decent response, esp to why Qatar SHOULD win the bid....
Qatarlatta keep up the posts mate, lovin it....Exceptional is deluded, but hes keeping us amuzed so hats for that...Can't wait to see how active his posts are after 2 Dec...if qatar make it that far and haven't been thrown out of the bidding race by then
Hahahaha exceptional doesn't have a clue what I said in my last post.... Sweet
@ genesis,& the reason i have is because no one has yet given me a satisfactory answer to what are you would admit legitimate questions...Hosting a conference or the least attended Asian games or some "world indoor athletics" tournament that no one gives a toss about is one thing...the FIFA World Cup is a whole other status quo remains,no answers to my questions,just a standard "Qatar will continue to bid for international tournaments"...avoid the issue long enough & it will go away eh?!...not this time mate,NOT with the World Cup,FIFA CANNOT afford to piss off so many thousands of fans,"alcoholics & drug addicts" that they may be,THEY PAY for their tickets & that's what earns FIFA it's "TPTB" had better come up with some answers,in fact,they should've had the answers when they bid but they didn't then & they don't now...& no "we will have fan zones" is NOT an answer...neither is "we will aircondition the stadiums" an answer to what about the extreme heat in the rest of the city/ really,no REAL answers gives me & others reason enough to continue asking the questions...repetitive as they may be...with all due respect to Qatar & their bid...
Will Qatar also continue to attempt to fraudulently win the right to host these international tournaments as appears to be the case witht the '22 bid?
I am of course working on the basis that there is generally no smoke without fire and the fact that the Spain '18 bid and the Qatar '22 bid have been under investigation since sometime in September and it appears that the momentum and case against both bids is gathering pace!!
You've repeated that dozen times before, You'd be too foolish to think that TPTB are not aware of those challenges already.
Local internet forums went as far as taking polls and signing internet petition opposing the bid.
Whether we win the Bid or not, Qatar will continue bidding to host international tournaments.
@ genesis,your lack of fondness for the bid as a Qatari is completely justified & that is exactly my question,is this country & it's nationals ready to accept what hosting a World Cup entails? That has been my point all along,i have nothing else against this bid,except that as a football lover,i feel the bid should go to the most desrving nation NOT the one with the most funds to spare & when i say deserving,obviously a LARGE part of that is the local populace of the host nation being TRULY welcoming to the ALL ASPECTS of hosting this tournament NOT just publicly saying it to toe the Government line but TRULY accepeting from the heart,because the reality is this,it's going to be hot & fans will be dressed accordingly,however NOT appropriately for this country,having a couple of beers is part & parcel of this tournament,that is a fact,doesn't matter what anyone says,is this country ready to accept that sort of open consumption that directly contravenes their religious beliefs? These are valid questions for ANY football fan that would choose to come here were Qatar to win the bid Genesis but it seems like everytime myself or other QL'ers bring this up,there's a whole deviation from the topic along with accusations of being alcoholics/drug addicts,"street f#$&ers","rowdys"...??? seriously dude,you seem like an educated guy,does it have to be either extreme??? sure,there are the football hooligans,fans getting drunk,throwing up,causing public nuisance but that is but a small % of the fans,what about the rest of the decent folk who would pay hard-earned money to come enjoy the games & have a good time?
Why should their experience be compromised in any way because of the host nation's cultural sensibilities? are the tickets to the games going to be cheaper? are the flights going to be cheaper? are the hotels going to be cheaper?...obviosuly no,now if as a fan,i'm paying full price with my hard earned money,why must i compromise on anything? i would after all be on a holiday,one that i have earned,would i as a fan want to come to a place when the mercury is in the late 40's,have to be fully covered up @ all times & not be able to enjoy a beer when & where i want one? THAT is my point Genesis,i speak,as a fan,that is my ONLY interest in this & THAT is my issue with this bid & THAT is what's in it for me...
Again,so that we're clear, i'm not saying Qatar MUST change it's culture & except things they consider goes against their culture,i respect local culture & act accordingly but i think it's unfair that Qatar expects to host this tournament while requiring the THOUSANDS of fans that make the tournament what it is,compromise on what those fans consider normal in their culture & no,i don't mean "street F*&^ing","rowdyism" & "public vandalism",that is unacceptable anywhere,is done by a SMALL % of fans & is dealt with accordingly by the law in ANY host nation,shouldn't be any different here but that is not the point i'm trying to make or the questions i'm asking...
The World Cup ought to held the way it is held every four years,no more & no less,that is fair & i don't believe i'm asking "too much",do you?...
So it bothers me when people resort to insulting my family in reply to relevant questions posed to them because they don't have the answers to it...if you do,i would gladly have a civil debate with you without either of us having to jump down anyone's throat...
don't you think you've repeated yourselves many times already?
seriously, what's in it for you?
I'm not fond of the bid for the social impact it might cause in our country and for the fear of corruption by certain individuals who would benefit illegally from public money in the name of delivering what's promised on time.
That doesn't make me jump down everyone's throat on each & every thread
just let be
Now, you are behaving like a gentleman.. which does not suit u.. read your posts above.. u r the one who started the personal attacks..
Don't be so puerile.. this has nothing to do with your nationality !!
You are trying to bring in all non-relevant things in this issue now.. like India.. Religion.. etc...which actually depicts your capitulation.
If there is anything for the cause of India.. I would surely be supporting gadarene (if s/he is from India) or any of my countrymen..
It's just a difference of opinion on an outside issue (Qatar's Bid)... which has unfortunately turned into a scorn.. and believe me.. I am not 100% responsible for that !!
I have just replied to you guys' sarcasm and personal attacks.. I am happy to know that it hurts..
Get ready for more if you continue doing that..
I believe it's amply clear now(if it wasn't earlier),about the kind of person Xceptionalgreat is,after reading the above post...i'm @ a loss for words to respond,well actually no i'm not but i'd have to stoop WAY low to this guy's level & even then,i would be hard pressed to come up with something as shameful as this...i'm truly ashamed of the fact that you are Indian Xceptionalgreat because it's due to people like you that the rest of us have a bad rep. amongst locals & other expats...
btw,it's VERY clear now that there was AMPLE if not COMPLETE truth in what i said in my post which is why you've lashed out like this,NOTHING else but the truth could provoke this sort of a response,so thank you for confirming that!...nuff said...
do you actually read profiles? Are you aware of how shameful your posts are?
I am curious if you would talk to a fellow country man like this back home? Degrading Gardarene's background and country is as good as saying those things to yourself, since you are both born in the same country... Same on you!!!
Is that the best you can come up with Exceptional, when people think for themselves and have their own opinions, and are not the suck up to Qatar types liek you obvisouly are, you revert to personal attacks. I'm personall here because I get paid more than back home, I don't need to lick any boots, unlike your sorry self whos probably dam lucky to have a job anywhere. I have not once seen in any of your posts intelligent debate when someone opposes you, you lash out into a personal are just looking the fool now with your comments but thanks for the amusement so far!!
It shows the level of education you have.. you were unable to find a job in your home country.. therefore to feed your extremely poor mom and dad and whoever.. u came here to Qatar..
and the same lame excuse.. tax free salary... "social service" blah blah blah.. wotta joke !!
I am 100% sure your family would be starving because of your unemployment dear, and that forced you to come to this most backward nation of the world.. isn't it ??
And excuse me.. you are following everything here against your culture backhome.. means you are the real bootlicker of wealthy Qataris.. not me..
For me, I did not have to change myself to work in Qatar..its simple.. I am supporting them because they respect me... need not to be subservient..
I feel, some Qatari would have given you, Qatartattee and Raven a really "hard" one.. thats why u guys are afraid of them... licking their feets in jobs but crticizing here with a fake name !! lolzzzz...poor u..
So.. take a chill pill sweetheart.. and accept the FACT that you are one of the MOST STUPID doctors your country would ever have produced.. thats why u r in Qatar in a completely different culture... presenting you a*s to your bosses (of course Qataris) to get paycheck everymonth !! Beggars are better than you 'coz they need not to do what you would be doing here probbaly ;-)
Dont worry.. Qatar would never send you back.. they have got enough money to feed a few thousand more as*holes like U.. Qatartattee and Raven !!
44 more days to go.. and m sure you three would piddle in your paints :P better start wearing pads from now on..
at Qatartatta...hahaha bloody brillant mate, Exeptionals rants about this bid do crack me up!!!
When i mentioned "complete lack of knowledge & exposure not to mention the bigoted views that exist amongst a large % of locals about alcohol consumption"...i forgot to add, & a similar % of unaware & narrow-minded expats as well...
I believe reading my earlier post & Xceptionalgreat's reply to it pretty much sums up the situation,so i rest my case...
btw,Xceptionalgreat,if it wasn't obvious already,I,like a large % of expats here am in Qatar for the tax-free money & because Qatar doesn't have enough of it's own medically-qualified people,i offer my services,they pay me it's a very simple give & take situation with nobody doing anyone any favours...completely unlike you who quite clearly kissed a$% to get whatever job it is you have,there's no doubt whatsoever about your rear-end kissing skills as is very obvious from your posts,seeing as you are eternally grateful for being given a job that you obviously don't deserve,your only outlet & the only way you feel you're "giving back" is blindly supporting & defending this bid on an online forum!!! what a sad life you lead!...oh wait,hold on,you don't have a life!!!
so take some sound advice & go get one...before you do bust a blood vessel,as someone correctly pointed out!...
@ qatartatta,in answer to your question,i think he gets WAY more than a mere hard on! *wink*!!!
Zceptional tell me this honestly, do u get a hard on everytime u see that qatar2022 logo?
You are actually butting in .. not me.. see the topic of this discussion.. it's in favor of QATAR 2022.. then why the f**k you are roaming around.. behaving like a nosey-parker ??
I had to come back for u. Btw u r the one always showing signs of a menstruation so don't put it on me. U need to relax about all this bid thing & get a life. If Qatar is capable enough to get it, they will get but to me & many others the chances look slim so why r u trolling about Qatar bid?
I had to come back for u. Btw u r the one always showing signs of a menstruation so don't put it on me. U need to relax about all this bid thing & get a life. If Qatar is capable enough to get it, they will get but to me & many others the chances look slim so why r u trolling about Qatar bid?
the battle continues
Nice to see you again after a little while :-)
U know much about mood swings and all.. seems your are facing it 4-5 times in a months.. right ?? lolzzzzz... poor you :P
Chill out baby :P
Adey, xceptional is having an extra heavy exceptional period. so he is just experiencing mood swings. Try to shut your hole, you'll feel better....i mean your mouth
I think you may be losing it.....
Hmmmm.....I so miss street f**king; time was when I couldn't make my way down the street without being f**ked a least half a dozen times...Ah memories!
World Cup does not belong to drinkers and street f**krs only.. if a country of other side of the world is willing to host it while protecting its culture and it has the capabilities to do so.. it should be welcomed !!
Why there is always pain in your a*s whenever someone supports Qatar's bid ??
If Qatar is that bad, what the f**k you guys are doing here ??
Reem.alkuwari's statement pretty much sums up the complete lack of knowledge & exposure not to mention the bigoted views that exist amongst a large % of locals about alochol consumption...
So for them,there is no going to a game & enjoying that game with a couple of chilled beers,then maybe going to a streetside cafe with one's friends to have a few more beers(if your team wins!) & a nice dinner before going home & going to bed,a scenario like that is non-existant for these kind of people because their ONLY association with ANY sort of alcohol consumption is "acting like animals in the street" "getting sexually involved in the street" etc...that is the ONLY idea they have & i for one,am not here to change those ideas but the question to be asked is if it is even safe for regular fans to enjoy themselves were Qatar to win this bid, with the local mentality being so completely closed minded, unaware & unaccepting of something that is any way different from their culture???...
do you guys seriously think drinking and acting like animals in the street is "normal" ? if Qatar win the 2022 bid, they are planning on opening red district :) i really hope Qatar doesn't win the 2022 bid because that will just attract more foreigners that are completely disrespectful like some of you are here.
You don't like the country's culture? then get the hell out of here. people here respect your laws when they visit your countries, is it hard to do the same and accept it? you're the ones that CHOSE to live and work here anyways.
and BTW, FIFA wants a new and different country with a different culture :D
i honestly can believe some people find driving around drunk and getting sexually involved on the streets is "normal"!
cheerz..! lets wait and see:-)..peace
Observer you actually believe the officials when they say this, they only have a working example in a 5 aside stadium...there is too much unknown and unproven, and far too much work for Qatar to do to bring the WC to Qatar...
at s_isale if you had ever been to a WC yes then beer is very important to the fans, like it or lump that is the way it is
today it is the beer, tomorrow it will be something else.
@ Blood & ashmusiclover: The world cup doesn't only consider players but also the fans and media.. they suffered form the rainy cold weather in SA!
and for players they will not play at 45 degrees because the stadium will be fully air conditioned according to the officials!! please read the topic before you comment.
Don't compare football happenin in the clubs here with the world cup football..seriously!..its tooo much to compare!lolzzz
Football is a universal game. Of course if you push yourself beyond your limit, you will run yourself out. Its about conserving your energy. The local tournaments have matches when temperatures are high. I've played in that kind of weather. you have to slow yourself down a bit and change your style of play, conserve energy and monitor your body water.
And don't forget that the weather cools down quite a bit in the evening, the humidity and wind conditions also affect playing conditions so a lot of factors come in to play. The vuvuzelas were an interesting twist in the latest edition of the world cup. Those are all local factors that professional players should be able to acclimatize to.
Now the local teams would be able to adapt better to those conditions. But the teams from Europe for instance may find it harder to adapt. But that is only fair, because when a team from the Middle East goes to play in Russia for instance, they need to adapt to the biting cold which is less than ideal to them. There have been world cup football matches that have been played out in the snow. But if you are a professional, you just have to soldier on.
lolzzz...dude ur out of ur mind??? can u compare the Hot and Cold like tht???..dude..if u had to say tht statement..there shld have been a World Cup at Antartica or some frozen region!!..lolzzz..
a player when he starts playing..starts sweating and generates SA..those who were playing dint feel the so called 'extremism' ur talkin about. and if they were to play here...'uh oh'..hope u cld take back tht illogical paragraph u wrte:-)..cheerz
If any of you guys could change the committee judgment, then I think you can all state your opinion and just bash each others for theirs. As all and myself can see the committee members are not young children, after all they have been for long time doing that and they will be considering all aspects. But after all we are all in Qatar and we all will benefit out of the 2022 WC if the FIFA chose to have at Qatar, and I think this is why all of us hope it will be here. Other wise just get wise and hope for the best and support each others as we all are humans and we wish our lives get better.
"indeed hot is easier to stand and live with than the cold weather which could make u sick! "
Sorry mate, but that is absolute rubbish - atheletes performing to the max for 90 mins in 45 degree heat is potentially lethal.
@ those who spoke about the extreme climate here in summer then what about the extreme cold climate that was in South Africa during the World cup?! In many days the Degrees riched near Zero and the players who is not playing where literally freezing and putting blankets on them! Not mentioning the rain that runes everything and make crowds to leave stadiums!! what about the frozen grass on the stadiums because of the weather? why would you and FIFA accept the extreme cold weather but not the extreme hot? is it because it is closer to the European weather? indeed hot is easier to stand and live with than the cold weather which could make u sick! Leave aside how South Africa is rated among the highest rates of Crimes in the world! I bet that there was a "Southafricaliving" website with people like u saying that there is not chance that South Africa will win the bid but it did!! So South Africa is never the perfect place to host the WC but FIFA gave them a chance because they want to give a chance to African countries to host the WCand maybe this time they want to give a chance to Middle eastern counties!
Think about it in this way and you will see the Qatar has a chance!
"You do know that the Doha Asian games was one of the LEAST attended tournaments in the games history"..completely agree on tht. well if WC comes here...den its gna be..." "the Least attended Hot WC ever"
"You do know that the Doha Asian games was one of the LEAST attended tournaments in the games history"..completely agree on tht. well if WC comes here...den its gna be..." "the Least attended Hot WC ever"
and now...once..if the bid goes to qatar...the cost of living is gona increase..making it tuff for the middle class pple to survive in doha..
qatar is trying to be modern..coool and funky!..but..thinking in an extremic way?..not possible!
i agree completely with gadarene.
and for the part of dressing..well it was der in the news paper a few mnths back...ladies shld wear covered clothes and respect the tradition of qatar!...LOLZZZ. and now WC..its gna be the same?..
yea time will tell soon..
in conclusion:..middle east is not a good place to hold the WC. its fact..if they get it or not..its none of our business..but..fact is fact.
if u say is fifa meant for places with cold climate???...well ofcourse!!..its meant to be played in an open place..with good climate!..( climate is becoming worse (hot) year by year)....where pple can feel the spirit of football..have fun..well ofcourse ..pointing out on the facts of alcohol consumption, clothing..etc etc..well..its a big qatar ready to be modern..or..? else its gna be a boring football..jus like another sports club match in doha.
@ Greeker,well put mate,a few things i'd like to point out if i may...Bahrain & Dubai may be curbing on liberties concerning alcohol & may be curbing availability but let's not forget they are or were almost @ a "normal" level by global standards which says a LOT for Islamic countries & i disagree,despite the curbs,the liberty of consumption & the availability in both Bahrain & Dubai currently FAR EXCEED that of Qatar...let's not forget Qatar has taken a step back in the recent past by cancelling the liquor licenses of all bars & restaurants that are not in the 5 star category so actually amongst the GCC countries where alcohol is legal,Qatar is the most restricted compared to Dubai,Abu Dhabi,Bahrain & Oman...
We can optimistically hope that if they do win the bid their tolerance levels will increase but if anything,this lot are getting more conservative & anti anything associated with "western" culture thanks to the Islamophobia that's sweeping Europe & North America & quite frankly,i don't blame them for it,that is the flip side to that coin...
You do know that the Doha Asian games was one of the LEAST attended tournaments in the games history? moreover that was just Asia,this is the whole world...i have no doubt that they will come up with the infrastructure...what this town lacks & will continue to lack are stand alone,non-chain,clean,cozy guesthouse/motel/backpacker like places that are REAL value for money elsewhere in the world & will be MOST in demand considering the demographic of the World Cup can buy them an impersonal steel & glass monstrosity with all mod-cons but it can't buy them the environment that a place as mentioned above would have...& staying with one's countrymen is a LOT easier said than done mate...people value their privacy & space & that applies to both the supposed host & the supposed guest...An Englishman coming to watch the tournament need not & would not want to hook up with an Englishman that's more a cricket or rugby fan now would he? that's not all black & white,there's a fair amount of grey there...
As for semi-clad women,i've stated before i'll say it again,women from most parts of the world will be fairly undressed by Qatar's standards because last i heard,the cooling technology is for stadiums only,the rest of the city/country is still going to be @ 45 degree plus heat,now when these women wear spaghetti tops & shorts back home,it's their normal summer attire & mind you,that is their summer which isn't as hot as the one we have can we actually expect them to put on MORE clothing & then enjoy themselves???...People assume that skimpily dressed women coming here for the tournament would do it purposely but the fact is that's what they're used to wearing in the summer
Trust me mate...the 'foreign' women you saw @ the QSL games are on a completely different planet from your average young European or South American female fan! :)...anyways only time will tell the outcome to this one...
Genesis I support you for support the bid on the above grounds that you have mentioned..:)
Ok, this might be a little too long, but I've been going through the comments and I cannot help but say it...
I'll try to summarise my arguments into points, for the sake of clarity.
1. Not allowing alcohol will be a major problem.
I feel Qatar is one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East as far as alcohol is concerned. Even Bahrain, where they used to get alcohol freely, is curbing the trend by cancelling licenses to bars and shops etc... In Qatar, at least it is legally available from one focal point. It’s very tough getting alcohol in Saudi Arabia while Dubai has also recently started curbing drinks in public after a host of embarrassing situations.
Qatar has already promised designated fan zones where booze will be freely available. Don’t you think just the promise in itself is something, coming from an Islamic country? The mentality of average educated Qataris are rapidly changing. I strongly feel that in 12 years, they’ll be much more cosmopolitan and hence more tolerant than they’re today. While alcohol may still not be freely available, tolerance to its use may be much higher than currently portrayed.
2. Where will Qatar accommodate so many fans?
Qatar had a similar influx of people when it hosted the Doha Asian Games in 2006. At the time, many of the current hotels like the Al Sharq Spa and Retaj Al Rayyan hadn't even been constructed. Did the travelling fans suffer too much? I think not. The organising committee tackled the problem well, even hiring two ships for the same. I was closely associated with covering the Games. I really didn’t get the feeling that housing shortage affected travelling fans all that much.
Secondly, Qatar boasts of a huge multi-cultural society with people from ALL parts of the world. Why would fans think of staying ONLY in hotels? They could easily find alternate stay with their own countrymen (from England, or Brazil or wherever)? There will always exist a market for cheaper accommodation during such mega events. All it would require is a little thorough research on the internet and refreshing ones contacts in Qatar. Another way to find accommodation is to look out for travel-related websites, where people are willing to freely host travellers. I know of several sites which list people from Qatar as willing hosts. Many of them do it as a ‘pay it forward’ gesture and usually don’t ask a penny in return.
Thirdly, the city is expanding in every different way. Construction is always ongoing at Al Wakra, Al Khor, Al Shamal, the Lusail project, the Pearl project etc... With so many rooms coming up, will there be a dearth of high-end accommodation? I feel not.
Fourth and last, Qatar will start operating high-speed railways between the different GCC countries. For example, according to recent reports, a person will be able to travel from Qatar to Bahrain in just 51 minutes using the new network. Can’t the fans try and stay in neighbouring countries like Bahrain as well? They could just travel to Qatar for the match and leave soon after? Just being inquisitive here…
3. Is Qatar ready to see skimpily clad women or tolerate rowdism from drunk fans?
My answer to the first question is that people should certainly regard the culture of the country they’re visiting. Even now, I see different women in shopping malls who dress daringly. But I’m yet to see someone stop them midway and ask them to cover up. My feeling is that the fans' dresses will be tolerated, as long as they’re not next to naked. A little consideration from the part of the fans will go a long way in helping make things smoother.
Rowdies and fights by alcohol-induced fans. Will they be tolerated in England, Germany, France, Italy or anywhere else in the world where football is played? Then why should Qatar tolerate it? I'll expect authorities to show no sympathy to them because ultimately, they're the ones responsible for their own actions.
1. The idea of changing the dates of the World Cup is simply impractical, for the simple reason that the European Champions League makes more money every year than the world cup every four years. Changing dates would throw things into limbo and that’s not a feasible solution.
2. Should we brand ‘most foreign women who watch football to be half-naked’? I’ve watched quite a few Qatar Stars League matches and I’ve seen ‘foreign’ women come to it, fully clothed. It certainly can be done. But forcing fans to do it may not be the right way to go about it…
I fully agree with your comments.
some 3rd world countries already have a better transport system in place.
people could learn a thing or two from the way someone like Adey posts, he doesn't support the bid but expresses his views in a mature and positive manner.
I wish I could say the same about a few others who are using this bid as a means to vent their frustrations about this country. Why be so negative? Every country has a right to bid for the world cup and there is bound to be positive press around their bid.
it so happened that we are not on the same side of the argument, but it doesn't give you the right to disrespect us as we respect you opinion! Now if you don't want to be opposed in your opinion, get out of this discussion!
go on personal attacks rather than issues? Did I ever say the whole will sacrifice for the sake of Qatar? As one poster says, does it mean that WC can only be bidded by the "cool" nation and could not be possible held here in hot ME?
And why would FIFA aske the member nations, FIFA is the governing head so it's their decision and if the nation doesn't want to agree with FIFA, there are ways to discuss it!
The problem with some VERY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE here is, I am just asking a possibility and they will jump to personal tirade. They want their position or opinion imposed and would even imply that what they know is the position of FIFA! Really pathetic people. It's FIFA's decision and we just have to debate the positive and negative in a civil manner! But many doesn't even know what is civil and what is not!
well said gadarene, agree with your comments above 100%
@ xceptionolgreat,nice try but you do realize i got you?! the true you,i mean & damn right i'm going to be obstinate about it! :)
My best wishes are with the bid that DESERVES to win & with the prevalant bigoted mentality(like yours) in this country,they sure do not deserve to win it...
And please,as i've said on many an occassion before i am NOT one of the many expats here who couldn't dream of earning the kind of tax-free money they do here,back home or anywhere else simply because the people that recruited them were too incompetent to know any better...
I'm here because this country doesn't have enough of it's own medical professionals & i'm sacrificing a lot,main among those being,having to deal with unaware clowns on a daily basis,so please,save your "resident here,earning your livelihood here so blindly support Qatar" speech for someone else...i give up a lot to be here,this country pays me for it,it's a simple give & take business deal,NOBODY is doing anyone any favours in my case,can't speak for anyone else though...
ExGreat your comment above "Qatar has made a good presentation before FIFA should be accepted now" does that mean the other bidding nations haven't made good presentations and deserve it either....Just because we expats earn our living and reside in Qatar doesn't mean we should blindly support everything Qatar does, some of us can actually think for ourselves and make our own minds up based on might be the subserivant type who always believes the Qatari officials....some of us are a little more realistic..
Nice Picsss
Being a teenager girl, you should not pass comments re 'periods'... you'll soon be facing it baby :P
Take Care ;-)
It's not a good idea to behave like an obstinate..Qatar has made a good presentation before FIFA should be accepted now..
Of course, FIFA shall soon make it clear who's or me !!... just wait until 02 December !!
But, being a resident of Qatar and earning your livelihood here, your best wishes should always be with Qatar.
@ XceptionalGreat did you mention Period?
I knew you were having those days of the month. Try relaxing during your XceptionalGreat PMS
please unquote...this too much for me
Quote:"booze or no booze or less booze is not a point worth considering. Period."
No comments...
@ Xceptionalgreat,you had me until your last paragraph...specifically your last sentence which quite clearly reflects your true sentiment & complete lack of tolerance,not to mention narrow-mindedness towards the issue in of us needs enlightenment...but it ain't me...*wink*! :)...
Qatar Bid Committee has clarified it several times that there shall be dedicated fan zones with some relaxations for parties/alcohol etc..
It'd be the biggest insanity of any sports organization to disqualify any Country's bid just because drinking alcohol on roads is against the local culture !!
So, now you can enlighten you narrow mind.. think about the bigger challenges.. booze or no booze or less booze is not a point worth considering. Period.
I don't include you amongst those with blind faith and a sense of entitlement - your approach to the bid is admirable. For my part I am neutral, it makes no difference to me either way, I don't care.
Yes, this can help them plan better for the 2020 Olympics bid which is coming up next.
We are all aware of the obstacles, but wish to win hosting this tournament to push for more change in the country. As I've written many times earlier, most conservative Qataris (if not all) secretly oppose Qatar hosting the world cup. This is enough reason for me to support the Bid.
Even if we lost this Bid, i think this will encourage officials to improve all weaknesses & Bid Again for further international tournament
Interesting to see that FIFA and the journalist have echoed the problems that have been highlighted here on QL ever since the bid was announced.
I would be grateful if those supporters of the bid, who slurred QL's who highlighted these doubts by calling them anti-Qatar, racist etc, would now apologise; unless you wish to extend that charge to FIFA and the Arab News.
From the Arab News article:
The head of the FIFA inspection team says Qatar faces “logistical challenges” in attempting to host the 2022 World Cup, raising doubts on Thursday about its proposal for stadiums located close to one another..... his focus on the stadium plans came as a surprise since organizers saw that as one of their strengths.
" would pose a number of logistical challenges. So far, we have had only one tournament of a similar concept with a minimum of traveling distance and that was the first tournament staged in 1930 in Uruguay. That easily worked out well 80 years ago but the scope of the event as we all know has changed dramatically.”
Most analysts consider the tiny Middle East nation of 1.6 million a longshot in a group of bidders containing the United States, Australia, South Korea and Japan, which all have hosted either a World Cup or an Olympics. It also faces concerns about the heat which can reach 50 Celsius (122 Fahrenheit), fears its conservative values will put the brakes on the party atmosphere, and questions over whether there is enough for visitors to do during the tournament which lasts for a month.
thats interesting.... Its a negative point that has come out in the press? Up to know, all we have heard was how everything will be overcome and how Qatar could never possibly lose...
I love having you around:-) you give such wonderful insite:-)
"the Head of FIFA inspection team expressed his concern over the current status of accommodation and transportation on the FIFA delegation visit press release last night"
have you got a link for that?
I am neutral on the subject of whether Qatar should win the bid, although I think it won't - I foresee Australia hosting it.
The problem in Qatar seems (to me) to be that a lack of reality and humility in Qatari attitudes seriously jeopardises their chances, as highlighted by the quote in yesterday's Peninsula below. Without a realistic sense of strengths and weaknesses people rely on blind faith and a sense of entitlement (which In think is the county's main failing in all walks of life here) in expecting the World Cup to be granted to Qatar.
A "Prominent Central Municipal Council (CMC) member... said he was confident of Qatar winning the bid. “It fulfils all the eligibility criteria, so I am quite sure of the win,” he remarked. “No one can stop Qatar from emerging victorious in the bid*,” he added"
*Apart from Australia, Japan, S. Korea or the USA. :P
Well apart from transportation, they are concerned about the close proximity of stadiums.
By the way for the 2018 bid, Russia have promised waiving Visa requirements and also promised free public transport for all the visitors. Those are the kind of things Qatar can't promise.
WK, you got me there ;)
So no FIFA hosting for Qatar because of transportation? shortage of buses?
roy no public transport here.
maybe they were drunk.
Now accommodation is no issue in Qatar. So many buildings, hotels are empty.
What was their concern on transportation? Roads, cars, distance or what??
Maybe they want more cash to fill their pockets from Arabs.
The bottom line, the Head of FIFA inspection team expressed his concern over the current status of accommodation and transportation on the FIFA delegation visit press release last night . This for sure will weaken our chances of winning the bid, which I hope not.
Of course i was joking with my last post! :0P ... but some people think that the rest of the world should make sacrifices for Qatar to hold the WC, why?
The World Cup is not about alcohol,it's about football,i think that much is clear to everyone...that isn't the issue here...the issue here is that if Qatar were to win the bid,it would be the first time in World Cup history that a country that so strictly restricts the sale & consumption of alcohol within it's borders has won the bid...make sense now?...
Of course it was never an issue at previous World Cups...because it didn't need to be,but it does now in the present restrictive environment present within the country...i would be very surprised if the FIFA officials DIDN'T discuss that point with the bid committee,a discussion they NEVER had to have before with any other bid committee during past World Cups...
ok so Xceptional great,enlighten me now...what exactly is a "fan zone"?...because once again,this would be a new development were Qatar to win the bid because in all previous World Cups,fans could go to a street side cafe & enjoy a beer...or even pick one up from a corner store while walking down the street,here they have to go to a "fan zone" to buy it...will they be allowed to drink that beer OUTSIDE the fan zone?...or will they be required to gulp down that beer in the 1 sq.m radius of the "fan zone"?...once they have gulped down a beer or five,they'll want to go back the game or wherever...will they allowed to walk around piss drunk?...or will they be arrested by Fazaa or Lakhwiya & be given the "VIP treatment"?...i mean,driven straight to the airport in handcuffs,bypass immigration & be driven straight to the aircraft to board the next flight home?...
Once the fan has purchased that beer @ the "fan zone",he would expect to be able to walk around sipping it & enjoying he won't be consuming it in the "fan zone" although he bought it there...what's the solution to that?..."VIP treatment" again? :)...any answers SPECIFIC to the question rather than beating around the bush?...
XceptionalGreat PMS goes blah blah blah
You mean any middle east country is not eligible to host a World Cup..
In such case, shouldn't there bids be turned down in the initial phase itself.
My friend, try to ponder over it, does 400 million soccer crazy population should have the right to hold the World Cup or not ?? Is the World Cup only for the Countries with colder climate ??
What solution would you suggest for all your concerns if FIFA wants to seriously consider the candidature of Qatar ??
You just jumped into this topic & saying i m poking my nose? What i said is a fact, stop sucking off for Fifa 2022
Qatar As a bidding nation is not the issue, they will have to compete with many other nations. The issue is the geographical location to be chosen, The weather and accessibility to the public in general.
You wont stop poking your nose here & there..
First you guys were concerned about alcohol as if World Cup is about alcohol only..
Now, as the bid committee has clarified this issue, you are worried about Qatar's religious credentials ??
You are certainly a big-time loser. lol:P
get a life baby..
Is Qatar willing to defy Allah's saying about drinking & serving alcohol?
Will there be enough hotels/accommodation for the footballers from all over the world? how about their thousands fans from their countries?
Will the tourists willing to pay like a thousand riyals for a night stay? (they might prefer to pay just $70-$100 per night.)
Most of the football watchers are alcohol drinkers, beer to cheers for them. will alcohol be legal in public?
Most foreign women watch football half-naked, will they cover?
Will the immigration approve all the visas coming over? As they are strict with it.
Many things to consider....
But we all know that nobody knows what's gonna happen the next day even after a minute, who knows, maybe Qatar will win the Bid.
I hope they do, bcoz im a legal part of the productions too who is doing a documentary, shootings and commercial for Qatar Bid 2022, on behalf of Qatar Bid Committee.
Wishing the best!
flanostu .... ure comments r hilarious.....wish there was a underground stand-up where u would be pretty!
they would've been better showing the FIFA reps the time-travel device that can transport an entire country back to the dark ages.
they’re calling it ‘Qatar’.
@ lostinspace,you joking or serious mate?...excuse my ignorance eh?...but as a Christian,i can tell you that the LAST thing people would do on Christmas day is go to a football game! good luck with the ticket sales on that one!...
LostInspace it will be fun to read Mourinho and Fergie's comments if such a move is ever proposed.
They should move everything for the bid, have the Champions League final on Christmas day and the FA cup final in January. Plus it would be excellent for the many thousands who take their children to the WC because they will be in school! Now why should they not move the WC?
the likes of gadarene and pilgram would have lot's to eat by means of humble pie
@ WK,Pilgram,don't bother with flor1212,he doesn't really have a clue about most things but will put forward an argument that completely goes against any logic whatsoever simply to try & prove a point...
So flor my dear friend,yes, in answer to your ridiculous,illogical question,it is possible to change the schedule of anything & yes EVERY SINGLE football league on the planet can change it's schedule to accomodate FIFA if they want to give Qatar the rights to host it in 2022 but why the hell should they?...what's so special about Qatar??? would be a logistical nightmare to coordinate such a change of schedule so tell me mr. genius of the footballing world,why should FIFA change all global football league schedules to accomodate Qatar's bid???...wouldn't it be easier for them to just give it to one of the other bidding nations instead???...secondly,who is going to bear the cost(& it will run into millions) of changing ALL these league schedules???...FIFA or the local leagues or both?...& why should they bear that cost??? accomodate Qatar's bid???...& what interest is it to the UK or Spain or Brazil or ANY of these countries that Qatar is @ it's inhospitable best in July/August???...
So mr.flor football strategist extraordinaire,would you care to answer the above questions?...let me simplify it for you:-
1) why should FIFA request EVERY SINGLE domestic league on the planet to change their schedule so that Qatar can host the World Cup @ a better time when there are other bidding nations that don't require such a change?
2) Who is going to bear the cost of millions that such a change would entail?
And don't beat around the bush like you usually do,answer the two specific questions...
& no neither WK,nor me or anyone else here owns a football answer the questions...
Adey, Flor also thinks that the best way of accusing someone of prejudice is my starting the statement with a prejudiced comment. If you're looking for sense, look elsewhere.
"I even wonder if you are not a secret member of FIFA committee! Lol!"
That makes no sense! If he was, then I take it, Qatar's dreams are dead and buried. So end of discussion.
Well thanks for that daily dose of prejudice Flor. Greatly appreciated, especially when you're trying to sound "respectable" LOL :)
stupid. And as a very respectable person, I don't use that word to any Qler on board, but I am not surprised, you are an American and you mind is like that, nothing good comes out if you are discussing with what you perceived as an inferior nationality. You can not argue civilly and you talk as everything you say is definite! I even wonder if you are not a secret member of FIFA committee! Lol!
I think it has something to do with the schools here not teaching critical thinking LostinSpace. When all you do is memorize and never analyze, it's really hard to form an opinion and identity separate from the herd.
The same argument seems to come up all the time now.... Yawwwwnnnnnn. "you come here and take our money" BS ... In my opinion Qatar will not get the WC because although they have 12 years, sadly its not long enough!
Lol, I am the doctor and you are the number 3 patient.
You must be one of his patients if you can quote him so well.
A mental doctor said once, "One hundred percent of my patients are realistic", because their realities are being clouded by their state of minds.
LostInSpace, so was I, I just used your phrase. :)
I understand Flor that you think playing with words is clever, but your really just coming across as obstinately stupid and (I'm starting to use this word far too much) delusional.
The European Leagues make billions every summer, easily as much as a single world cup, and many already complain about loosing their players for the practices leading up to the world cup, so no, they won't change their season at the whim of some teeny tiny desert country.
Also holding the Cup in June/July ensures that many people can take summer vacations at that time. It's much harder for people in the West to take vacations in the Spring or Summer.
I was commenting on Racquelle's post.
How is being realistic about Qatar's chances biting the hand that feeds us? I don't see how being overly optimistic to the point of delusional helps the country.
"might". Well, good, so minus one competitor!
And you "highly doubt", that is again not closed! You are talking of possibilities and impossibilities! It's your view but not necessarily the clubs' view! Or is it?
here we go again!! biting the hand that feeds them BS!!
How sad it is for people who forced themselves to work in a foreign country. Always talking about negative side of the host country and yet waking up every morning wishing it's a pay day.
You asked why the world cup can't be shifted, it can't be shifted because of the clubs' program. They are the answer to your question.
The reason Australia might not get the World Cup is because the Australian football teams won't change their schedule. If they won't, I highly doubt the rest of the worlds will.
and I'll exchange! Lol!
WK, you brought the topic of football clubs, not me. So I asked you if you own one because you are giving reason on the club's name! All I'm asking if it is possible, you can answer straight "no" but you have sideline bad comments! What's the need for?
i WANT an EXCHANGE flor!!! now! :))
he's the one with you last time? Right? Lol!
I already told you it's impossible and your argument was do I own a Football club??? LOL..
brush your teeth??? LOL, I didn't know flor that you are 5 year old ;o)
who is that guy on the right (the younger one) on the first pic? he's kindda cute. :p
is that wrong? The way you answer seems you are pretty sure that it is impossible!
It's every four years, and for this specific bidding, it is twelve years, so you still think it's impossible for FIFA to change the schedule? Have you talk to the FIFA people or you know specifically a club that will disagree with FIFA if it ever change the schedule?
And you are starting to badmouth again, please brush your mouth before posting!
LOL I am sorry but all those are pretty lame questions.. Clubs don't have to influence FIFA, they can tell it to go kiss their arses if they want... Changing schedule for all the leagues is impossible and it is not going to happen. That's why nobody is suggesting it except you.
but FIFA is the governing body, I thought. So who decide, FIFA or the different football clubs?
If FIFA wish to, is that impossible? Do you own a club, WK? If football clubs can influence FIFA, do you think Qatar can influence it to? Any possibility?
flor there is way more money involved in the Football leagues in different countries.. The money in World Cup is nothing in comparison.. The Football clubs will not let FIFA force them to change their schedule.. June-July is off-season for them so that's when FIFA can organize it's World Cup.
I mean FIFA guidelines?
The way I see WC, it's not a sporting event per se, but a very lucrative business thing?
The World Cup dates can't change from June & July..
to do all this "crazy" things?
Was the month of competition fixed on summer time? Or they can adjust it on the cooler months? Just asking!
Saudis aren't bidding coz they know players won't like getting transported in a two wheeler land cruiser :-D
Its a publicity stunt!!
why's saudi not bidding??:-P..lolzzz
well well..maintaining a cool temp inside the stadium n all..big stuffs eh? if it TRIPS?!..lolzz..its not at all a logical solution i feel..if ever fifa has to bring the 2022 WC to qatar after seeing this all..they have to be dumb!..der r many other cooler is the middle east..AL-FAZAA will go on arresting n putting tourists behind bars for alcohol consumption in public..'improper dressing'..for showing affection in public..for even sharing a kiss in public!!..lolzzzz..and ofcourse alcohol is no served in public..sooooooo...if ever it's gona be the most boring WORLD CUP ever:-)..( jus mentioning the facts..whtaever it powered stadiums..or even if they plan to build a floating stadium or upside down stadium or whtever..they need to be more liberal in there thinking first..and modern..which is again a fact since qatar is trying to be modern by thinkin in an extremists point of way)
@ Xena,i'm sorry there was no offence meant whatsoever...the fact remains that when one thinks of South American female supporters,specifically the 'Samba' Brazilian crew,bikini tops & skimpy shorts are pretty much the norm...i'm safely assuming that's because of the tropical climatic conditions prevalant in that part of the world & Qatar's conditions @ that time of the year are a more extreme variation of the same so again,i'm safely assuming they're going to be dressed i'm neither Qatari nor Muslim so i don't have a problem with that as i'm sure you don't either but i don't think your standard run-of-the-mill conservative Qatari(man or woman) is going to be too pleased having to look @ skimpily clothed,occasionally drunk women parading the streets of his/her country in the name of World Cup football,now are they?...i hope you see the point i was trying to make...the issue wasn't to single out South American women,i used it as an example of it being an extreme test of Qatari they dress is their business as far as i'm concerned,to each his/her own...
'especially if we take into consideration the South American female supporters who are known worldwide for their clothing...or lack of it! :)...'
excuse me?
@ Joginder,well put mate...genesis,i fully agree with your point mate,a host nation's cultural & religious sensibilities shouldn't come in the way of or in any way alter the environment of the World clarify,i think Qatar actually has a good chance of hosting the World Cup & come 2022,the infrastructure will be in place,i don't doubt Qatar's ability in that respect but there's this whole debate going on about "why the focus on alcohol which is such a trivial issue in the larger scheme of things?"
The answer is very simple,alcohol sale & consumption has NEVER been an issue for the World Cup before,so it's never come up or been discussed bit that is not the case with Qatar at present as you would agree...
would i be exaggerating if i said that the environment of a World Cup completely goes against the moral & cultural standards currently present in Qatar?...
Let's look @ a few examples,@ the last World Cup,a friend of mine who went told me that they'd turned Long Street in Cape Town into a walking only fan zone with people partying 24/7,now Long Street in Cape Town is like Sadd street or Mirqab street in Doha,can you imagine it being turned into a walking only zone with people drinking & shouting all night long???...add to that the fact with the temperatures being what they are,you can be sure that female fans aren't exactly going to be covered up,in fact bikini tops & shorts are pretty much the norm for that kind of wheather in the more liberal parts of the planet...especially if we take into consideration the South American female supporters who are known worldwide for their clothing...or lack of it! :)...
If Qatar do win the bid,the tolerance levels are going to be the real test because rest assured,if the authorities go around trying to impose a dress code,restrict alcohol sales,it will go down as the MOST boring,unexciting World Cup ever & honestly,it would be MUCH better to bid & not win than to be stuck with the dubious distinction of hosting the most boring World Cup EVER...don't you think?...
So yes you're right,it's going to be a real test & hopefully it will change local's viewpoints on a lot of issues,i salute your optimism mate!...
I really hope Qatar gets the World cup but the normal atmosphere and enviroment outside of the actual matches may cause conflict. The World Cup is more than a list of 90minute matches. The enviroment of the country changes as we have seen in previous tournaments. Be it drinking, dress or just differing attitudes - Qatar will have to adjust.
We have alrady seen that Qatar has the infrastructure and resources to host the tournament. Qatar's lack of compromise on what goes on outside the football however will be the deciding factor.
I also read that stupid faqs from peninsula. They should mention that Qatar will ignore islamic teaching & serve alcohol and will simply ignore what God said about serving alcohol. Why? because its beneficial for Qatar. Good move but i call it hypocrisy. Otherwise, fans of Fifa 2022 who will come to qatar, get ready to be arrested for the type of dressing you wear & types of celebration you make.
Why not admit that FIFA 2022 is not your cup of tea
Qatar doesn't have a chance in hell. They're bidding for these things either out of stupidity or because it will make Qatar a household name, not because of any chance of actually hosting it.
while i agree with your nicely put sentence that "the FIFA World Cup is basically a MONTH LONG PARTY with the host nation being the venue". Still i think a particular nation's culture shouldn't be a barrier since it's a global event. Like i mentioned many times before, Hosting a global Sport event is The powers that be Ambition. I'm sure if we didn't have "any chance in hell" of winning this bid as pilgram wrote , we wouldn't bid in the first place. Specially with mr. Mohammed bin Hammmam being a FIFA executive member , and an insider in international football federation for over a decade.
It's very clear there are many obstacles , and i 'm not speaking about the few infrastructure development which will be eventually constructed in one way or another within the following few years. But the social aspects, as not many Qataris share the same enthusiasm as TPTB and have expressed that in many local Internet forums or secretly in thier "majles". In addition to the raise of conservative ideology followers among the local public who are anti-multiculturalism And have spoken continuously against the sell of Alcohol in public, Women dress code & gender mixing
Maybe hosting the world cup is a good thing at the end for the people of this country. In one way it would push officials to regulate the current sponsorship law to abolish human rights violations and also change the mindset of the locals.
For Beer they have announced Fan zones where alcohol will be served but interesting point will be how do fans get out of the fan zones.. One can't walk around Doha drunk so maybe they are expected to stay in the fan zones till they get sober.
Yes...because when I pay all that money to come here to watch World Cup football I want to spend the entire game in a "fan zone" where I probably can't watch the game. Gimme a break. Can they just announce that Doha doesn't have a chance in hell so Qatar can stop embarrassing itself.
Being a conservative country, I don't think Qatar will win this bid. If it's like Dubai, it will have a great chance to win.
Did they show them where the beer will be served from?
ok the temperature in the stadium was 19 degrees...what about the temperature OUTSIDE the stadium in the rest of Doha city & Qatar?...are they going to aircondition the whole country???...because i don't know what idea people here have but if you seriously think that fans from all over the world are going to spend their hard earned money to travel here just to be taken by air conditioned bus to an air conditioned stadium to watch the game & then back to their airconditioned hotel room...THINK AGAIN! is what i'd say...
Let's clarify something here,the FIFA World Cup is basically a MONTH LONG PARTY with the host nation being the i think we can all agree that the word PARTY & everything else associated with it(like freely available beer!) & this country don't go together,would i be fair in saying that?...when you think PARTY,Qatar is probably amongst the LAST places on the planet that comes to mind.
Let's not forget that the World Cup is NOT an exhibition of the host nation's financial's about the FANS,plain & is the common man's what is Qatar going to do to cater to those fans? How are they going to address the ridiculous heat @ that time of year outdoors?...
This is a VERY important aspect along with the alcohol availability issue that the bid committee is going to conveniently try & avoid addressing while the FIFA delegation is here,instead trying their best to divert the delegation's attention from these crucial factors by pampering them,lavishing them with expensive gifts etc(although FIFA delegations are by law not allowed to accept "gifts" from bidding nations,i'm sure these boys will find a way around it!).
I was looking for a particular store yesterday evening in Najma on the souk haraj street,wasn't sure where it was so i parked my car @ one end & walked,bought a bottle of juice along the way,drank it but for the WHOLE STRETCH of that busy street right upto the Al Shaheen traffic lights,i couldn't find a SINGLE waste bin...i walked up on one side & walked back down the other side,on such a busy street,NOT ONE SINGLE small waste bin...a country needs to get it's civic sense in place before bidding for such events,this is just one of MANY examples i'm sure many people can come up needs to learn the alphabet before making sentences right?...civic sense,road manners,general common sense is SO lacking in this country it's not funny...the authorities would do better to spend the immense funds they have access to,on improving things on a basic level before showing off those funds by bidding for such events...
of course,a LARGE % of people here blindly believe that because they live & work here,they must BLINDLY support the bid...use your God given brains & think for yourself people,as i mentioned above,forget everything else,ask yourselves one question...what about the heat OUTSIDE the stadiums???...any logical answers anyone?...
I think Qatar will win this bid, all the very best...
Qatar Qatar Qatar
INSHALLAH QATAR will win the bid
Wish U all the best & inshaallah qatar will win the bid
love u qatar
we are with u
Why are you behaving like a obnoxious kid..
C'mon.. grow up baby !!
The best way is to have a break and go back to your Country until 2022. Come back after 2022, with a mature head, with no filth therein !!
SaeedKan, dont ever meet me on road otherwise i'll punch you so hard the only thing that will remain on your face is your Kan(ears).
XceptionalGreat, FIFA2022 will be no benefit to you people, there is no match fixing in football. Better stick with cricket
Big cheer for Qatar.. Go Qatar Go !!
Yes, we can do it !!
Again.. now you are here with a different stupid argument.. "please look at the map of this country before making a decision".. why are you so scared??
Did Qatar do that bad to you ??
Now that they have the temperature under control, how about putting up some stadiums before the December decision.
i wonder if the construction workers got their passports back after completion of this project.
Committee people please look at the map of this country before making a decision. I hope you are sensible enough to make the right decision. Do not be a part of a disaster in the making
I hope qatar will get this, and the elitism will end by 2022
Hope Qatar will do it!