I am neutral on the subject of whether Qatar should win the bid, although I think it won't - I foresee Australia hosting it.

The problem in Qatar seems (to me) to be that a lack of reality and humility in Qatari attitudes seriously jeopardises their chances, as highlighted by the quote in yesterday's Peninsula below. Without a realistic sense of strengths and weaknesses people rely on blind faith and a sense of entitlement (which In think is the county's main failing in all walks of life here) in expecting the World Cup to be granted to Qatar.

A "Prominent Central Municipal Council (CMC) member... said he was confident of Qatar winning the bid. “It fulfils all the eligibility criteria, so I am quite sure of the win,” he remarked. “No one can stop Qatar from emerging victorious in the bid*,” he added"

*Apart from Australia, Japan, S. Korea or the USA. :P