The baby products market is a lucrative one. They aim a lot of stuff at parents who they know will go all out to buy the best for their precious bundle of joy. It's up to us parents to be very careful.
Just buy normal distilled water and give him. What is so special about distilled water for babies?
From experience I would say be very wary of new products aimed at kids. Maybe I'm a paranoid mother, but it helps to be on the safe side.
The baby products market is a lucrative one. They aim a lot of stuff at parents who they know will go all out to buy the best for their precious bundle of joy. It's up to us parents to be very careful.
Just buy normal distilled water and give him. What is so special about distilled water for babies?
From experience I would say be very wary of new products aimed at kids. Maybe I'm a paranoid mother, but it helps to be on the safe side.