The Taliban didn't rule by the Sharia alone. This is a huge misconception. In fact when they came into power they burned books of many 'ulamaa namely Imam Abdul Wahhab, Raheemullah. They did this to prevent Muslims under their command from learning the true Islam. The Islam of the Prophet & his sahabah by the understanding of the correct scholars upon the haq. Taliban is a party of extremists who have their own deviated rules and penalties.They practiced takfeer and would judge a Muslim to be Kaafir simply cos he committed what was in their opinion a major sin but what may or may not have been so.In turn they would then put to death whom they pleased. Under their regime a woman who even exposes her face was put to death. They forbade their subjects getting the right education & instead taught them their misguided manhaj. Many scholars of the haq today speak out against them. The way they recruit too is scary. Never never attribute their actions to Sharia. They are far from the teachings of the Prophet Peace be upon him!