but what type of person usually keeps pitbulls in england britexpat? i'm curious.
yeah, they do look scary. which makes them all the more lovable when they're sweet and cuddly. i would admit to being scared of other people's dogs. but keeping them around unsupervised are really dangerous for small children not only because of the tendency to be violent but also because they are really stronger and heavier than many other breeds. even a playful push or tug by them is enough for an unguarded adult to lose balance and fall down.
^good idea :)
but what type of person usually keeps pitbulls in england britexpat? i'm curious.
yeah, they do look scary. which makes them all the more lovable when they're sweet and cuddly. i would admit to being scared of other people's dogs. but keeping them around unsupervised are really dangerous for small children not only because of the tendency to be violent but also because they are really stronger and heavier than many other breeds. even a playful push or tug by them is enough for an unguarded adult to lose balance and fall down.
we don't get to hear much about these stories though: