WK: for the vast majority, the hijab comes off in Europe, Canada and the US. A small minority keep the hijab on. Islam asks for people (men AND women) to dress modestly but the Quran does not specifically spell out what to wear. Each society decides for itself. The point is not to draw too much unwanted attention to yourself. So in the Gulf countries, the abayya and hijab (and niqab even) help ladies blend in. However, the attire that allows for a certain amount of anonymity here would cause all sorts of curiosity and attention in the US.
WK: for the vast majority, the hijab comes off in Europe, Canada and the US. A small minority keep the hijab on. Islam asks for people (men AND women) to dress modestly but the Quran does not specifically spell out what to wear. Each society decides for itself. The point is not to draw too much unwanted attention to yourself. So in the Gulf countries, the abayya and hijab (and niqab even) help ladies blend in. However, the attire that allows for a certain amount of anonymity here would cause all sorts of curiosity and attention in the US.