initial post was a warning for possible trap for the maids.. if you guys could read post carefully, you could see that someone intends to “charge them commission and provide a "cover".
First, it is illegal activity, and the author was absolutely right, warning people not to go against Qatar Government laws .
Second, it could be a possible trap for the maids, who would pay commissions and then would never get what was promised! These people’s actions have been calculated correctly. Knowing that run-away maid would never go to police to complain, they charge her commissions and promise a “good salary’.. and then they simply abandon this poor maid..
That was a main point of the initial post..
However some people are just lack of reading comprehension skills.. and like to attack people, probably out of their accumulated and not released anger..
initial post was a warning for possible trap for the maids.. if you guys could read post carefully, you could see that someone intends to “charge them commission and provide a "cover".
First, it is illegal activity, and the author was absolutely right, warning people not to go against Qatar Government laws .
Second, it could be a possible trap for the maids, who would pay commissions and then would never get what was promised! These people’s actions have been calculated correctly. Knowing that run-away maid would never go to police to complain, they charge her commissions and promise a “good salary’.. and then they simply abandon this poor maid..
That was a main point of the initial post..
However some people are just lack of reading comprehension skills.. and like to attack people, probably out of their accumulated and not released anger..