
By svetlana.abou

Dear all,

I would like to warn everyone on this site who has Ethiopian maids to be very alert. I didn't know about this issue till I faced it myself.

There is a kind of "campaing" going on right now with a group of people talking to the Ethiopian maids, encouraging them to run away and work illegally. The catch is their new salary is 1,500 (a double of what they usually get paid), charge them commission and provide a "cover".

It happend to me and several people I know very recently-almost at the same time.

I would like to ask all not to hire those illegal maids, as if you do, you will be:

1) penalized by the government for unauthorised hiring (I heard the penalties are very hefty) and
2) support the move as a sponsor.

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 14:04

WK I agree with u totally, it's a wonderful job....lolz

Wahooo 700Q that is small F fortune, this is not an exploitation - this is slavery for FS.

By Olive• 15 Jun 2010 13:48

Yes I would do it, especially if my family was starving in Ethiopia.

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 13:43

Thanks God that I don't need to work as a maid, otherwise I will hung myself in your baby room and leave the note where I will blame YOU? hahahahaha

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 13:39

UKEngQat Do you have maid in UK? he he I don't think So, why dont you try to deal with it here as u do in UK? lolz

By svetlana.abou• 15 Jun 2010 13:10

Guys, I think Olive ran away, hahahahaha.

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 16:02

Would you Olive?

Knowing that the police will be looking for you, that you will be locked in the house without any possibility to ask for help, without a possibility to get medical assistance and call your family?

Knowing that you will have crimiinal records and spend time in jail? Have to pay back what you earned?

For a double of your salary? Triple?

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 15:59

I like this quote of Oscar Wilde

"If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want."

By anonymous• 13 Jun 2010 15:37

svetlana a career oriented person doesn't jump just for money but do you think for someone making less than a 1000 QR thousands of miles away from home anything else but money matters?

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 15:35

No, I wouldn't do the same. And I don't own anybody.

I can't leave anyone who depend on me without a notice of my departure. I would think hundred times of the concequences. Being illegal is not something that will make me happy.

But that's just me. I like things straight. I like comfort of being responsible. I like comfort that in case of any problems I can seek a help of the government and police. I like to develop myself and progress as I go. Never understood people jumping from place to place for the money.

Step by step is my approach.

By Olive• 13 Jun 2010 15:26

Welcome to capitalism svetlana. Would you not do the same in her position? You don't own her.

By Olive• 13 Jun 2010 15:25

The problem with Nike is that, like companies here, they're taking advantage of the local governments in human work policies. If these countries practiced true capitalism then workers would have the right to move around and improve their pay.

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 15:24

Never ending. I pay her 1,000, you pay 1,500, she pays her 2,000, they pay her 3,000. Everytime she will run away.

I wish I had a big castle on the sea shore, big boat with kitchen and a chief who can cook any food, 50 cars to choose from daily, husband who can dance samba, a squillion dollars in the bank and a charity company for the soul.

By hamadaCZ• 13 Jun 2010 15:20

Good points :) , but remember the ugly parts about capitalism as well.Do you remember how Nike and other big corporates which went to south-east Asia for cheaper labour and verbal/physical abuse was widely practised against all "Capitalism' values" ?

Again you raised some good points, at the moment only Kuwait has a min wage policy.

By Olive• 13 Jun 2010 15:03

Yes UKENG, if they are offered jobs with a higher salary that they would like to take, then they should leave. That's what drives economies all over the world, that's what capitalism is all about. In every other country in the world outside of the ME people can come and go as they please and employers have to pay competitive wages. Here people get away with paying slave wages with the bulls&hit excuse that it's better than what they would be getting home simply because the workers have no choice.

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 14:39

Hahaha, I like this.

By anonymous• 13 Jun 2010 14:33

QS, "probably out of their accumulated and not released anger..". I am guilty of that at times, I must admit :-P

By anonymous• 13 Jun 2010 14:32

svetlana the manpower companies operating in these countries are the biggest crooks.

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 14:30

Probably it is time now to blame the manpower agencies who find jobs for them for not teaching them negotiation skills, inform them about the laws and regulations.

Who is first? Hahahah

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 14:25

By the way, I have been told and it was also published in the newpaper in Dubai, that those poor things are getting into prostitution against their will.

As it was correctly mentioned, they can't complain then. Also in this case they are the real prisoners in the houses where they "work". They are not allowed to show their faces outside. It is really terrible!!!

Eventually after few months they go to jail, have to pay QAR 9,000 penalties (where are they going to get it from? from their families or the savings they made) and wait for their deportation without any possibility to come back. They will also have bad police records, which will affect them in the future. So, does the risk worth the reward? I doubt.

On the penalties- I have been told that if your maid ran away and you did not inform the police- you pay a penalty of QAR 40,000. The person who got your maid work for him/her illegally (without sponsorship transfer) will pay QAR 60,000 and the maid will pay QAR 9,000 (it is 6 months work without spending a penny at 1,500 salary)- just doing calculation for you.

So, if someone really being tortured in the house and being expoitated is better off just go to police, complain about the employer, get compensated and go home. They can look for other job then.

Good night sleep is good for health.

By qatarisun• 13 Jun 2010 11:07

of course, if they want to leave you don't own them, you have to let them leave.. this is out of discussion..

but the author never mentioned that the maid has run away after asking for the release, and eventually had to disappear as the release has not been granted.. it was not the case..

and again, it is not about the "absolute" amount of payment. it is about "relative" amount...

if someone offered me double salary (no matter how high my present salary is, it still would be doubled) for the same work, why would I refuse?? but I will have to check frist whether it is a fraud or not.. which maids are unable to do..

By hamadaCZ• 13 Jun 2010 10:39

Good points you are raising, it could be an entrapment to get them into sex slavery and other types of exploitation.

Good fair treatment will discourage them from escaping and If they want to leave, you don't own them, let them leave, think about it as a bad investment or a hiring process where the employee doesn't meet your expectations and you just let him/her go.

By qatarisun• 13 Jun 2010 10:30
Rating: 5/5

initial post was a warning for possible trap for the maids.. if you guys could read post carefully, you could see that someone intends to “charge them commission and provide a "cover".

First, it is illegal activity, and the author was absolutely right, warning people not to go against Qatar Government laws .

Second, it could be a possible trap for the maids, who would pay commissions and then would never get what was promised! These people’s actions have been calculated correctly. Knowing that run-away maid would never go to police to complain, they charge her commissions and promise a “good salary’.. and then they simply abandon this poor maid..

That was a main point of the initial post..

However some people are just lack of reading comprehension skills.. and like to attack people, probably out of their accumulated and not released anger..

By hamadaCZ• 13 Jun 2010 10:24

Money doesn't matter here as much as the treatment, no one here on QL has any clue or idea on how you treat your maids and servants,but am positive that whoever was raised in a good family will definitely treat them good. We can't deny that exploitation exists here just like anywhere else and its our duty to discourage it. Some people think the grass is greener on the other side, I say think again or travel there !

I hope you did get a chance to watch the debate show, it has reflected various opinions.

By qatarisun• 13 Jun 2010 09:56

svetlana, here people tend to jump into conclusion based on their silly assumptions… it is funny, how they decided, what salary you pay to your maid, and how exactly you treated her, as if all of them live in your house.. it is funny, or rather sad, to see how they started judging you based on their ridiculous assumption, which most likely has nothing to do with the reality.. look at John of Acr’s ridiculous post.. LOL.. He came up with some stupid basis and has built my entire life along with my vision of the world based on this stupid concept. He has described my life as if he knows me personally… this is unbelievable.. even I didn’t know about myself as many details as he described in his fictitious opus.. It looks like he is having hallucinations, or is pursued by some ghosts caused by his sick imagination.. well.. pretty much predictable considering his advanced age..

By anonymous• 13 Jun 2010 09:01

svetlana maids and labourers are exploited here, you may not be doing it but a number of people are. Relax, as I said earlier nothing personal, I hate the whole set-up.

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 08:59

On the other hand probably they are exploitating us- people who bring them from the poorest places in the world and give them hope for the future. Who pay them every month and buy them all stuff they have never seen in their lives. Many maids coming here never even tested meat or chicken or eaten fruits that are not rotten. Instead of sleeping on the ground and walking bare foot, they have their own rooms and closets and clothes and shoes, their own bathrooms and shampoo.

By anonymous• 13 Jun 2010 08:51

We can give Simon Cowell a run for his money ;)

Don't take anything here too seriously.

By svetlana.abou• 13 Jun 2010 08:49

Mine, so many here are short sighted and jump into conclusions very quickly. Human nature again? Prejudge is so common. I was watching American Idol yesterday and was shocked when one of the judges said he didn't like the performance of the 2 guys because of the way they looked. It is ridiculous. Their performance was wonderful.

The same is happenning here. Who told anyone here that I was not treating my maid well?

Who said that I paid her 700 QAR?

Who said she was locked in the house all day long?

Who said I didn't let her talk to her friends and watch TV?

In case people here don't know, any ordinary woman sitting at home is doing much more house work than any housemaid does. Housemaids do only about 70% of all the things housewife does. And believe me, housemaids don't do their job very well. So people who have to have them (a stranger in your house, whom you trust your kids with) are keeping quite about all the stuff broken, not done and etc.

Please next time try to think before judging. Just a suggestion.

I think my maid was brainwashed. It can happen to anyone. People can talk others into something without explaining all the consequences.

By jinny2k1• 12 Jun 2010 06:17

exploitation? if i am paying the person the wages as stipulated on the contract and he has equal access to everything in my house as the rest of my household does, am i exploting him? if i am treating that person as a vital part of my household, is that considered exploitation? just asking...

as for not being stingy, i believe that they should receive the exact amount stated on the contract in a timely manner...no more, no less...BUT, i also believe that giving them extra money to spend on their day off, or buying them something whenever you shop for your family doesn't violate the contract...or when they come to you asking to have their salary paid in advance because money is needed back home and granting that request doesn't violate a contract...

yes, this is a business agreement between an employer and an employee and whatever is agreed on should be imposed...but their is a humane side to this relationship and it should be observed, too...

exploitation occurs when the other party cries foul; otherwise, there is a symbiotic relationship - where both parties benefit from each other...

By qatarisun• 11 Jun 2010 19:44

John, this is a rhetorical question. You can also ask yourself why your company wouldn’t pay you more than they pay now... don’t they appreciate your contribution?

Hamada, that's how Job agencies work. They charge the Company more than they pay to the employee.. and thanks for the link, I will go through it a bit later though..

By hamadaCZ• 11 Jun 2010 17:40
Rating: 4/5

I don't like sharing personal info in public, but last year, during the crisis, a friend (working for a big company) rang me up offering a deal which was to provide a large number of workers to a big O&G company in exchange of me and him taking half of their salaries. i.e I get paid 1500 QR for each head and I pay the worker only 750 QR. Such practises do take place among big companies, but definitely due to some individual's greed in most of the cases. Corporate governance is a good framework which can prevent such cases if applied properly.

By hamadaCZ• 11 Jun 2010 16:59

This is a continuous evolving process and it won't happen overnight, some people here treat and pay their maids really well which is not associated with a certain group or ethnicity, like Arabs or Europeans, I have witnessed cases from all sides in different countries.

let's face it, slavery was abolished in 1960s and 1970s in some of the Arab countries and to some extent still practised undercover in Mauritania, Apartheid regime has collapsed in the early 1990s (so late), so the exploitation of human beings won't stop, but we can just keep trying to slow it down. 15 years ago, I don't recall there was an office for human rights in Doha, today there is one, so things are changing and who knows, maybe soon there will be a min wage policy.

By hamadaCZ• 11 Jun 2010 16:54

This is the Doha Debate link which can better explain some my points http://www.thedohadebates.com/debates/magic.asp?d=45

By hamadaCZ• 11 Jun 2010 16:07

By referring to the Mexicans and post WWII immigration, I wasn't making an analogy, but I was just trying to give an example that some governments are comfortable with certain social situations to serve the elite and their economies. Btw not all Mexicans who are making peanuts are illegal immigrants, some aren't.

As for the immigrants after WWII, true, education and language barriers were there, but also discrimination.Only ignorants will discard the later factor. Those immigrants were brought in to help rebuild the countries after WWII and majority of them have been naturalised later on after suffering from all kind of discrimination.

They were discriminated in pay because some people were thinking that group will not be making the same in their native countries , just like today,nothing has changed. Btw writing isn't my best skill, so excuse me if am not making my points clearer :)

Again, what's happening here might not be acceptable for some, but some individual contributions can help alot.

By qatarisun• 11 Jun 2010 15:47

hamada, it looks like we are talking the same talk..you have just proved my words.. why to blame qatar if it happens everywhere?.. and your sample with China proves my statement that $200-250 (besides ALL basic expenses) for the maid is not too little.. as per your words, in China minimum wage has just reached $160, and people have to pay for everything out of this salary: accommodation, food, school for kids, other basic needs..

by the way, I think your sample with Mexicans making peanuts and living without health insurances is not really valid, as most of these mexicans are illegal labours, and this is definitely their choice to get paid peanuts or to go back home. It looks like they prefer to get peanuts, as in their own countries they probably will die.. so.. whose exactly fault is that? And I am sure this type of workers are stuck with some small poor miserable businesses who barely survive by themselves and hardly can make ends meet, let alone paying normal salaries. I doubt that large strong companies would introduce such practice... so it has nothing to do with the "benefits of the elite"..

and your example of 'Turks, Caribbeans and Indians who immigrated to Europe post WWII, how much were they earning versus their Germans and British counterparts' is absolutely out of topic.. it is obviously impossible that post WWII immigrants, who maybe didn't have educational level as per european standards, and probably don't meet high requirements, and who are not local language native speakers, would earn as same amount as 'their Germans and British counterparts'.. but i am sure there are always exceptions.. not everyone is the same..

so again, comparing teacher in a private school making $150-160 (including eventhing) and a maid making NET $200-250, the score is definitely in favor of the second.

By hamadaCZ• 11 Jun 2010 15:19
Rating: 4/5

Blame only ignorance and greed.A poor worker is being fooled because of his/her ignorance and ambition for a better life.

This practise has taken different shapes and forms in different countries over the last 5000 years for economical and social reasons. Ask the Turks, Caribbeans and Indians who immigrated to Europe post WWII, how much were they earning versus their Germans and British counterparts, Go to the US, you will find Mexicans making peanuts and living without health insurances, eastern Europeans in the UK are another example, I knew a guy who was sleeping in the bathtub and making 1 pound per hour because of his employer's greed. Governments are giving the cold shoulders to such practises to protect the benefits of the elite.

Last week China has announced an increase of 10% to the min wage to reach 160 $ monthly, Kuwait has taken a similar step regarding the min wage.Just think about how big is the chinese economy !

If you can help another human with education that will help him/her learn a new craft/skills to improve their lives "Pay it forward".

Am not saying what's happening here is acceptable, but its happening here and elsewhere in different shapes, forms and under some extreme weather conditions. If everyone of us is willing to contribute a little, this can help putting smiles on their faces.

By qatarisun• 11 Jun 2010 11:33

reysaj feel for you man, but your case is different..

you become a victim of fraud .. People that we are talking about know in advance how much their salaries are, and that's what they eventually get.

One very important statement.. you said: " I worked as an office boy here even I got a decent job back home (as a high school teacher in a private school) because of insufficient income".

And that's what I am talking about!! Tea-boy's income in Qatar is higher than a high school teacher in a private school in some other country !!!! isn't that ridiculous??

So again, for 100th time I am questioning: WHO TO BE BLAMED??

By reysaj• 11 Jun 2010 10:10

It seems I got nerve to share my story when I read this thread because I am also one of the victim here. I worked as an office boy here even I got a decent job back home (as a high school teacher in a private school) because of insufficient income. I agree to the terms stipulated to the contract regarding monthly salary; and the placement fee (which is equivalent to one month salary be deducted 10% monthly) and processing fee of about $290 to be paid to the agency.

I think I was cheated because the agency gave me a new copy of a contract (given at the airport upon departure from Manila to Doha) together with the visa and ticket.

Now, it came the company has to deduct the placement fee. And I was surprised when the deduction exceeds of about Qr460 for the placement fee. And the grace period of deduction is just three months which contradicts to the agreement of the agency of just 10% monthly. I tried to complain to our HR but they just showed me the promisory note that I have signed stating that I have to pay $400. Then I argued that the agency doesn't tell me the way they do to me to pay the placement, since my salary is only Qr1000.

And I ask the refund of the money. The HR head just told me that they have nothing to do with this case they can't refund the money because it was being paid to the agency.

So, I said sucks to the greedy agency. I am really upset and disappointed of my situation. And the follwing day I requested a termination of my contract because I think a breach of contract is violated to my case. But the management hold my request and the HR with the factory manager have agreed to give an increase of my salary of about Qr200. And again, disappointments and mistrusts raged deep in my heart because the increase they promised to me three months ago doesn't take in effect until now.

I really wanted to stop now because I felt tired so much everyday since I am the only one cleaning the whole production area and offices and I think I have no reason to stay here but I cannot do this because I will shoulder the ticket to go home.

By anonymous• 11 Jun 2010 10:07

reysaj feel for you man, if it's any consolation, a lot of people in Doha are stuck like that.

By anonymous• 11 Jun 2010 10:02

jinny that's my problem, since we know that this money means a lot to them, we exploit them.

By hamadaCZ• 11 Jun 2010 06:51

There was a debate regarding this topic on the Doha debate show."This House believes that Gulf Arabs value profit over people". some of the participants were the former Qatari Justice Minister and the former Qatari Minister of Economy and Commerce.


By Fairy_WatsUrWish• 11 Jun 2010 06:14

700 QR?? I'll take it.. Pay me..

By jinny2k1• 11 Jun 2010 05:51
Rating: 4/5

WK, of course none of the readers on this thread will accept your offer because everyone here can afford to pay a maid or two...but offer qar700-800to a mother or a sister who has a starving family to feed back in the phil, india or sri lanka and all they will see is the value of that money in their native currency...for somebody who is not educated to a level where they can land jobs as teachers or nurses or comapany executives, this is manna from heaven for their family...qar 700 could be a month's salary for a teacher or a nurse in my country...if somebody doesn't have a degree, won't she grab this opportunity to work in a foreign land? get on a plane and be able to say that i have gone and seen a foreign land...yes, it is sad...it is horrible...but this is reality...just my two cents...

By anonymous• 11 Jun 2010 04:57

Well since being a maid and getting 700 QR per month is such a wonderful job as per some, I invite you to work for me for 700 QR. You will get free accommodation and free food, you will not be allowed to step out of the villa though and you will never talk to anyone ever during the employment, any takers on this thread????? Comeon, it's a wonderful job....

All of you know that this is exploitation, atleast don't justify it.

By qatarisun• 11 Jun 2010 01:22

Uk, not only those from your site must run away, but at least half of entire planet's population should run away (not sure, where though), as at least half of planet's population get paid for their jobs about $150-250 a month.. even in Russia... how about teachers earning 150-200 bucks a month? Based on Nic, it is EXPLOITATION... Then their own government exploits their own people.. so again, who to be blamed? Nic, your comparison is based on the wages level of developed countries… but if you looked at the third world countries, you could see that even maid who is making $200-300 in Qatar (and this is beside the accommodation, food, basic household, etc.) is much much better off than some, as I mentioned, teacher, making $150 bucks, and paying for everything out of this salary, not able to make ends meet at the end of the month.. I know one Ethiopian maid who is literally buying lands and properties in her country while being “exploited” here in Qatar.. I am only happy for her! She is dreaming to bring all her sisters, aunts, cousins, etc. to Qatar to work as a maid..

And again, since we are in Qatar, we have to follow qatari laws. And Qatari law says that the sponsor is responsible for the dependent maid. If tomorrow something happens to this maid, sponsor is the one who will be questioned in the first place..

civilized people don't run away from their work places, they do it in the civilized manner.. I cannot imagine you Olive, running away from your office because one day you found yourself underpaid.. I guess, first you would try to do something about it. without disappearing and living illegally and in fears in order to make another couple of hundred bucks a month.. what a nonsense..

By Alumnar• 11 Jun 2010 01:16

Just ask yourself ONE question: Would a happy employee run away from his/her sponsor?

I think you have your answer!

By edifis• 11 Jun 2010 00:14

I love milkmaid .........................................................condensed milk.

It is very cheap too!

By Dracula• 10 Jun 2010 19:46

"grog"??..can i be your maid?? Pleaseeee...just pay me with it! :P

By snowyowl• 10 Jun 2010 19:37

I can't have a maid....the maid's room is where we store our grog ;)

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 16:10

That is precisely what they did, but you know you can never satisfy everybody and save the world.

By EXLegend• 10 Jun 2010 16:02

the government could put their head to some thinking and define minimum wage limit for every profession or job. that way no body could complain.

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 15:42

Olive.. according to your argument, every labourer on my site should run away because he gets paid QR600 for 14 hours of work.

If there are no workers to work there will be nothing to build here and people like me and you will on the next plane back to the cold climes..:)

just a thought..:)

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 15:35

You are right. People nature is "the more you get, the more you want" without thanking for what we have.

By Olive• 10 Jun 2010 15:28

What's illegal svetlana, or should be anyway, is that these maids have no recourse but to run away if you don't agree to their negotiations. There choice is either you send them back home where they can no longer feed their families or continue accepting your meager salary. If this was truly a fair country they would have the right to quit and find a new employer.

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 15:22

Hi, Olive. I'm not confused. I'm just saying that it's illegal and if person doesn't like the terms (suddenly, as all was discussed in advance and agreed 2.5 years back), she should be honest to talk about it and leave if no re-negotiations happened.

But putting someone else in a situation, when their kids are left at home alone and have to go through the hussle and worries is not something that any person regardless of position and background should do. That's all.

What I'm saying is just be prepared that this could happen and do not support it as it is illegal.

May be they should start kidnaping people and kill and steal to justify better pay? I don't think so.

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 15:15

You too. Life is too short. And thanks for sharing your story.

By Olive• 10 Jun 2010 15:15

I don't understand why people are confused when their maids run away to make more money somewhere else. It's a job, they don't owe you anything, what they owe themselves is the ability to do the best they can for their families and a 700 Riyal more a month will do that for them.

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 15:10

SO ...........


By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 15:03

"Be kind". I like this comment.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 14:51


It would be a little bit fairer.

It’s a minor adjustment for you but it could make a huge difference for those who need it.

if you can afford more, please go ahead and be kind,

life will reward you ;)

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 14:42

Thank you for your advice. I don't hate you of course.

I'm afraid that she took the wrong course.

So if I pay 1,500, I will not be exploitating anyone? That's a relief.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 14:35


I know you hate me by now, but let just me add that maybe just maybe, your maid went off and took her life into her hands and changed it!

Be happy for her if she succeeds!

And just one more advice, as I am at it, please pay your next maid 1500QAR, it won’t make any difference to you and you might be doing good to lot of people that depend on these maids.

As I said, life always rewards us, according to what we do ;)

By happygolucky• 10 Jun 2010 14:31

Victory...dont get carried away and decide what you want to do in your life from what is discussed on QL...:)

By Victory_278692• 10 Jun 2010 14:28

good I don't have any or plan to have any maid :)

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 14:25

Well, stealing from people and hurting their kids is also exploitation ... of trust.

Likely she didn't take anything from me, although I had cash and jewelry easily available. I never hide anything, nor lock.

As Firose showed us an example of taking his life into his hands and changing it, maids should also take a stand and demand better treatment if they are mistreated and better salary if they are underpaid LEGALLY.

Doing crimes never helped anybody.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 14:16
Rating: 2/5

Paying 700 QR/month in Qatar to a maid or any other job is EXPLOITATION!

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 14:15


You asked: Would you like to work for the same salary as person from Asia.

I answer: No, but I would like to see all Asians and any other nationality working in my position with similar salaries!

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 14:13

Ok. I'm just not used to this kind of rude treatment, as I don't treat anyone like that ever.

"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." (Mother Teresa)

I just thought to warn people who depend on their helpers and trust them with their homes and more importantly kids.

" If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." (Mother Teresa)

By happygolucky• 10 Jun 2010 14:10


By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 14:06

my dear

be cool this is not a new thing

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 14:05


if u are nice person, then u don't need fear any where ......

I used to remember my first 21 working days, when ever I saw blue dress ppl in the street .......

even I used to tell that old story to my family .....

By Formatted Soul• 10 Jun 2010 14:03
Formatted Soul

svetlans... dont take it personally..there are some people in this site who just use all sort of insults if someone ask something about domestic helpers...they are just assuming all exploitations...let them do it! ignore them...

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 14:01

I'm very happy for you Firose!!! I always think that people who make their way are much better that those who just got it easy.

Life is tough and it's not fair to blame all sins of the world on me. I'm a nice person, I swear.

By Khanan• 10 Jun 2010 13:56

I know a person who landed as a foreman in Doha and is now a Millionaire is $$ and is the MD/Owner of Group of Companies..

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 13:56

I tell will my story,

I am Designer, after my father lost, I forced to buy Visa for Labour coz of the situation,

worked in Dubai as Helper (3.5Dhs per Hr, no food, no room nothing) .......

worked 21 days, then got Job as a AutoCAD draughtsman, after many arguments I agreed that to pay 50% of salary to my old company manager ........

Alhumd Lilla, now I am geting 14 + here ,

so just think if I didn't get chance , I will be there in the same company as a Helper ......

so don't think all labours and maids not educated ......

By Khanan• 10 Jun 2010 13:53
Rating: 3/5

at some stage!

I second FS!

They (majority) are much better off here rather than their homeland.

and WK this is luck or destiny. I know an IT graduate here in Doha working as a Primary Class teacher.

By Formatted Soul• 10 Jun 2010 13:52
Formatted Soul

WK such cases are exceptions...fate/bad luck or etc..I was talking about the normal case of maids.. there are many girls from philipines working in good companies earning 10 to 15k as secretaries and administrative assts...so why blame the country?

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 13:52

Dear Firose, it's your own problem. Everyone think of other's actions based on their own behavior and thoughts.

And yes Nic, I agree with you that everyone gets rewarded for their actions.

I strongly believe that my poor maid became a victim of a scam and fell into it without second thoughts because she is very naive. The last thing I wish for her is to go to jail or anything of this sort. And I don't think that anyone will treat her well in the situation she is right now.

By deepb• 10 Jun 2010 13:51

QS, having a maid is a luxury not a necessity in the more civilized parts of the world. If you can't afford it you, should learn to live without them. Here they are exploited, and expats are also reaping the benefits of this exploitation. But I'm not going to go pointing fingers at anyone because I myself encourage these activities by working for this country.

By panda• 10 Jun 2010 13:51

ok thank you...

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 13:48


Do wht ver u want ........

Pay wht evr u want .......

But think , twice before treating them as Donkey .....

also think they working for u coz they are coming from poor family .......

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 13:47

FS the maid I know is more educated than the assistant manager we have in our office earning 21000 QR per month. You can meet her one of these days.

Just the luck of the draw, she was born in the wrong country.

She was promised a good job while leaving phils by the agent and got a job of a maid.

By Formatted Soul• 10 Jun 2010 13:44
Formatted Soul

WK if someone dont hire them for that salary from their country, they wil be living in even worse conditions back home...now with this salary they can feed their family and she can have good food and decent accomodation....if they were educated will they come for that salary...with lil or no education they know what to expect.

By qatarisun• 10 Jun 2010 13:44

what is your suggestion, Nic? What salary for the domestic assistance would be satisfactory in your opinion? How much should we pay? QAR3000? plus accommodation, which is another QAR2500, plus food which is another QAR1500, plus other daily expenses which are QAR 300-500? Total QAR. 7500?

Wow.. do you know how much MAJORITY of office workers gets here? guess how much..

QAR3000 to QAR6000, and they pay for everything out of this salary.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:43


I didn't send bad wishes, I said:

"life will reward you accordingly"

its only bad, if you do bad ;)

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 13:42

So, no one should hire any maids starting from today, unless they are paid QAR 5,000. Good.

Just imagine how many people will be left without food and home.

My previous maid worked for me for 7 years. She was promised 500 by the agency, but from the first month I paid her 700 and 1000 after 3 month. I could see that she was trying her best. She bought a house back home and bought out her brother from the prison (he was wrongly accused). We used to send to her relatives loads of clothes collected from our friends.

Did any of you do anything to anybody else? Can see only empty talks here.

Very sorry for those.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:41


Just because you are Russian like the poster, do you have to come and jump in others comments?

By drmana• 10 Jun 2010 13:41

Qatarisun, probably my country is to be blamed which is where your office boy is probably from :-(((

I totally blame my country and its politicians for the situation of my countrymen here. I am a part of the crime as I am not able to change it in any way.

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 13:40

Formatted Soul

...they are coming here because they cannot make this money in their country...

this statement is wrong .......

I know many ppl who is working here for 700 / 600 range,

once they go for vacation they will not come back ......

even all passport holders thinking to come here and make money, if u tell them anything about gulf they will no trust you until they taste it ......

I know many. its nothing like ur statement.

By qatarisun• 10 Jun 2010 13:36

Nic, what's your problem?

why you send all these bad wishes to the person, which has nothing to do with the current establishments?

As if she is the one who set up these salaries..

My friend's ethiopian maid is buying lands and flats in Ethiopia, from her salary of QAR800-1000.

Why you suggest someone with probably high education to go and work as a maid? As it has been mentioned earlier, and this is my point in every thread concerning salaries subjects, the Governments of the countries of these people to be blamed (even not qatar government!), who cannot provide their people with the normal life conditions, such as education, work, etc., and therefore their citizens are forced to work as maids and "tea-boys", etc. It is a shame that in their own country if they don’t have a job, they simple will be starving, if not dying..

By the way, our office boy is VERY clever guy.. his the only fault is that he was born in the wrong country. So who to be blamed?

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 13:35

FS that's why it is called exploitation because we know they can't make much money back home, we underpay and overwork them.

By Formatted Soul• 10 Jun 2010 13:31
Formatted Soul

Nobody is forcing them to come here...they are coming here because they cannot make this money in their country...doing the same job. Nobody will pay a qualified person this salary; every job has its own value and salary. What is not acceptable to you maybe more than acceptable to many!

Nic...are you exploited? just because you are not paid same as the CEO of shell or ExxonMobil??

By Dracula• 10 Jun 2010 13:29

[Deleted by Mod's: Don't use strong language!]

By Dracula• 10 Jun 2010 13:28

svetlana.abou said:

"...their average income back home is about $130 p.a., being paid $200 p.m overseas can help them to send money home and support their families."





SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:28

Firose I think that figure is exaggerated, There are maids here who have been with good families for years. Sorry I only know maids that are with Western families, maybe you are aware of maids with other families.

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 13:25


98 % maids are in hell here ....

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:24

Nic, lets face it mate.

If there was no exploitation me and you will not be here. Would you like to work for the same salary as person from Asia. Me don't think so..:)

Have nice day.. gotta go now..:)

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:22

most of the maids I know also get a day off to spend with the friends or go the church to meet other members of their community..

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:22


You probably been here to long... sad the way you justify exploitation!

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:21


A maid contract also detalis that she shall work 8 hours a day with a day off.

Now if someone is ignoring the contract then it is the person who is exploiting them, as far as the system is concern I think it is covered. It is that some individuals give all the others a bad name..

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 13:18

see UK,

that boys will get extra when they work after 8 Hrs

at least they have friends , they can go outside on holidays ........ they have fun at least after their work .......

but think about this maids,

No overtime

No rest ...... no friends , no enjoyments nothing they don't have ........ they are always working ....

do they have holidays ?????????

By deepb• 10 Jun 2010 13:17

What! You people pay for your slaves ? I thought slaves made do with food, a rock to sleep on and some daily whippings. Oh how the times change.

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 13:15

svetlana.abou ......

we are happy to help poor people,

any waywe don't like treat ppl in this way

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 13:15

Whyteknight, thank you.

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:15

Nic I not blaming them all, when I compare them with Labourers on site the tea boys in the office they are far better off..

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:12


So you had a bad experience and now you blame them all, quite intelligent, I must say!

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 13:10

svetlana nothing personal against you.

QS thanks for that info, it keeps getting better.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:09


I repeat, go and work as a maid here, for 700QAR and you will then understand the reason why people got aggressive against you.

By drmana• 10 Jun 2010 13:09

QS, I know of two office boys getting 1000QR per month from their agents while the office pays QR3000 per month for them to the agency. That is why I think nothing can be done unless proper laws are enforced.

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:08

Nic I had only hired a maid once that was directly. She came on a visit visa and then we transfered her visa to our maid visa we paid her QR1200 per month. She did not like it here and asked to leave after 3 months. To which Mrs UkEng being such a kind hearted agreed too.

So she left us and returned back home leaving me wondering why did I pay around QR10000 for maid who only served for 3 months.

The cost involved her visa, her return tickets etc etc.

So after that incident I dont have any more sympathy for maids..:)

By qatarisun• 10 Jun 2010 13:06
Rating: 3/5

whyteknight, our office boy is paid by his agency QAR500 for working 72 hours a week...

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 13:06

Oh my God, how aggressive everyone here against me. I hope that you do something to support poor people around the world yourself.

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 13:03

The agents are another set of thugs, promise people great jobs back home, get them here and then make them work as maids. Really beautiful. I know a few Filipina girls who got duped like that, the whole set-up sucks.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:03


life will reward you accordingly, be aware!

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 13:02


So you don’t mind paying the agency QR8000 but you only pay these poor souls, QR700?!

The bloody law that forces you to pay the QR8000, should force you to pay a decent salary at local rates!

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 13:01

firose, will you still pay her QR1500 after you paid the Agent QR8000 plus?

Me dont think so?

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 12:59

Britexpat.. does jeeves have a brother.. I can never find the right servant here. Will never hire a maid.. Coz one day have to go back to the real world and will have to do all the household ourselves..:|-)

By Gladiator1• 10 Jun 2010 12:59

u paid Just 750 Qr per month ??????

u criminal .........

how much u shown in her contract .......

I will pay 1500 if she reach me ......

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 12:59


I agree with you, it should be the government to take lead but we all know how hopeless things are here and that is why that some decent conscience of those who have it needs to be applied.

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 12:56

Valid point Nic.. But please also bear in mind the cost of bring these poor souls hear that one has to pays to the agency which is around QR8000

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 12:56

I understand you feelings, but I never forced anybody to come here for "exploitation" as you call it.

If you look at it from other angle, their average income back home is about $130 p.a., being paid $200 p.m overseas can help them to send money home and support their families.

By britexpat• 10 Jun 2010 12:56

Thanks for the warning.... I'll stick to my man servant - Jeeves...

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 12:55


As I said, go and work as a maid here in Qatar for that salary, to learn how it feels!

By drmana• 10 Jun 2010 12:55

phew ....cool down WK....you know that many here gets paid that much or lower and all I am saying is if respective government can be a bit more tough, the situation can be changed. You can't change mindset of all the people but at least make them do it by law.

The OP is an example here. If she has any regrets of paying her maid so low, do you think she would have mentioned it here?

I hate human exploitation as much as you do. All I am thinking is a possible solution via proper legislation.

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 12:55
Rating: 4/5

QR750 in the hand, no food to pay for no accomodation cost, so $250 a month is reasonanble as long as they only work 8 hours a day.

Not the poor labourers working 14 hours in the sorching heat for less than what the maids get..

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 12:54


There are the "Agency" rates and there is our own conscience!

Is it ok to exploit poor people because it’s what agencies stipulate?

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 12:52

Nic thats the going rate if you hire a maid from the Agency.. So no need to get all hyped about it. 80% of the maids hired through Agency get paid that amount, with a few exceptions..:)

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 12:51

The whole system sucks. Am I back in India :-/

By svetlana.abou• 10 Jun 2010 12:51

I understand your feelings, but I never forced anybody to come for "exploitation" as you call it. I believe the average income at home is about $130 p.a, so $200 per month is a very good deal for them, plus there are no other expences here.

By Rizks• 10 Jun 2010 12:49

Chinese dolls are cheaper !!

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 12:49
Rating: 5/5

drmana that's what I said, government is the one to blame, they should put a gun to our head, only then we will pay decent wages.

As of now it's 700 QR per month and we will get them arrested and deported if they try to get away.

By drmana• 10 Jun 2010 12:46

WK, thats not my point. I mean if government of some country is fine for their people working for such amount, why would anyone bother to pay more. Its not that I am justifying it. Its just the reality here.

By Nic• 10 Jun 2010 12:46


Why don't you go and work for 750QAR/month to understand why they run away!?

Life will reward you for what you and others like you are doing to these poor people!

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 12:43

drmana yes blame the government, they are not forcing us to pay decent wages so why should we pay decent wages.

By GodFather.• 10 Jun 2010 12:43

WK thats the going rate..:)

By drmana• 10 Jun 2010 12:42

What can anyone do WK if even the respective government fix minimum salary for their people so low. Even our great government has agreed to send people here for as low as 800QR.

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2010 12:38

You pay your maid 700?????

How does it feel to exploit a human being?

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