It has been in the British papers for about a year, so there has been plenty of time to settle it. I do not think it is primarily about the money. It is more a dispute between Prince Charles (who loathes modern architecture) and the architect (who is a prominent figure and loathes Prince Charles). They have had other clashes before, and it seems Qatar's investment arm has just been caught in the crossfire. The architect wants to publicly humble the Prince, so I doubt he would take a private payoff.
Personally, I like the design plans, but I can see why people might find them ugly.
The lawsuit is for 81m pounds, which is not huge given the size of the fund but not a loss anyone would want to report to their bosses!
It has been in the British papers for about a year, so there has been plenty of time to settle it. I do not think it is primarily about the money. It is more a dispute between Prince Charles (who loathes modern architecture) and the architect (who is a prominent figure and loathes Prince Charles). They have had other clashes before, and it seems Qatar's investment arm has just been caught in the crossfire. The architect wants to publicly humble the Prince, so I doubt he would take a private payoff.
Personally, I like the design plans, but I can see why people might find them ugly.