Dr. Sadia: I would love to help you with those figure's but as I dont live in saudi, I wont be able to give you the correct picture.
I would recommend that you check out htp://hijra.net as you will find a lot of information on working and living in saudi arabia, there are many brothers on that forum who work in saudi and they will be able to guide you inshaAllah, you will have to register on that site before you can read or post any stuff. registration is free.
Mathboy: Point taken, you are right most of these guys just relay on twisting words and quoting out of context.
cockroch: some points that you raised are valid and such employers who use Mecca and Medina as a bait to underpay their employees do exist in saudi arabia.
Indeed they are a shame, that is what I hinted at when I said that "saudi has its social problems that are very difficult to deal with even for muslims"
Dr. Sadia: I would love to help you with those figure's but as I dont live in saudi, I wont be able to give you the correct picture.
I would recommend that you check out htp://hijra.net as you will find a lot of information on working and living in saudi arabia, there are many brothers on that forum who work in saudi and they will be able to guide you inshaAllah, you will have to register on that site before you can read or post any stuff. registration is free.
Mathboy: Point taken, you are right most of these guys just relay on twisting words and quoting out of context.
cockroch: some points that you raised are valid and such employers who use Mecca and Medina as a bait to underpay their employees do exist in saudi arabia.
Indeed they are a shame, that is what I hinted at when I said that "saudi has its social problems that are very difficult to deal with even for muslims"