
Dr Sadia, Most of the 'Saudi is Hell comments' come from non muslim residents who live in the Middle East, Much of that stems from propaganda and their disagreement with the Islamic Laws followed in the Land of the Two haramain.

What non muslims do not take into account is that for a muslim, living in saudi arabia with 24/7 365 days access to Mecca and Medina is a dream come true.

Another part that they feel saudi is hell is due to its restrictive nature

- No pubs/ club
- No free mixing of sexes
- No Inter sex socializing
- No Free flowing alcohal(atleast not openly)
- No gambling and other such activities
- The Muttawa

But, once again they fail to realize that for a muslim the above things are anyways off mark for most of the muslims as they dont indulge in all of this.

And, even the once that do indulge are shameful of their indulgence in the least.

That apart, saudi indeed has its social problem and some are very very frustrating to deal with, even for muslims.

Some people enter saudi expecting it to be the perfect Islamic utopia and end up getting a rude shock in the least.

If you choose to work in saudi then you must realize that they are human beings just the same kinds that you will find in your home country.. good, kind, helpful, crooked, mean, thugs... I mean all kinds

Inspite of all this I dont consider saudi hell, far from it, most of my family members are living and working there for decades and they love it.