
These Pakistani schools are not the same as those lofty fee oriented international schools which also exist in Qatar, for the elite class only.

Firstly, Keep in mind the two college level schools have federal board curriculum...Pak Shamaa & PEC both are running Pakistani syllabus ... both schools are serving the majority of our community and in general they both suit to our white-collar community, middle & below middle earnings bearers.

As far as the standard of teaching is concerned, I personally experienced at the time of my children a school, that provides a quality (Pakistani) education and in some cases teachers seem into struggle harder than their students, to make them competent.

Students of the School participate a range of activities such as sports, speeches, variety shows, quizzes & every so often they attend conferences not only within their own school but under the ministry of education, expatriate schools, and different Qatari & Pakistani organizations and always return with the flying colors...