Well access to that site is blocked for moi, so here i am. Before we start giving you our opinions let me first ask, in what position are you going to be able to change anything about Qatar? I mean sure, we'll tell u the sky is not blue enough, or the the prices of Pepsi have gone up. We can also sit and crib about how racism still exists in companies, and how unfair it is to just scream Qatarization, Qatarization, just to put unqualified Qataris in high positions with little or no experience to boss over people that DO have the qualification and experience.

So tell us what can you do to make things better around Qatar. Every country has to go through change, every generation will modernize to suit the world around them, you cant hold on to the past. Change is inevitable. Prepare of change :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

