Speak Up, Qatar!

By qtrezchick23

Qatar has changed and is continuing to change, but is it ALL for the better?

I want to know what everyone has to say about every issue that can be brought up. Express your opinions, ask you questions, and discuss raging and hot topics. I really want to hear it.

Join my forum if you want to take it beyond this site.

Go to:

Register and become a member! Let's do something. Let our voices be heard.

By qtrezchick23• 10 Apr 2010 11:21

Nic, if you were Muslim you would know what I'm talking about. You completely misunderstood the Hadith because you have no idea, obviously. I'm not into hating anything unless it goes against my religion. So those things that are against what Islam is about, I hate.

Don't get it twisted. Understand the religion before you go assuming that I support hate. I'm not a hateful person. I just hate what destroys morals and religion within this so-called "Islamic" society.

By Nic• 6 Apr 2010 23:10

OMG... "hate it with all your heart", definitely now I am sure that this forum is not for me.

Why incite hate????

I was educated to forgive, inciting hate is definitely against my believes.

Initially I thought this forum was to invite suggestions for improvements needed in Qatar such, as laborers rights. Now its clear that the author has a specific agenda which I don’t endorse.

I am out of here and out of the referred forum!

By nicaq25• 6 Apr 2010 11:25

I know more & more about Qatar.:)

By Happy Happy• 5 Apr 2010 22:35
Happy Happy

Your words resonate and relate to those by Seth Godin on The Tribes We Lead. It's a popular video. I just don't know what you're asking your people to do, and not sure how you want to handle the foreign labor flux in Qatar.

Let me know when you're tired of our conversation, otherwise I won't quit on my own..lol


By qtrezchick23• 5 Apr 2010 17:23

Happy Happy >>

The "badou mentality" annoys me immensely unless applied to home discipline. Parents should raise their children to respect their elders, respect themselves, their religion, culture, and traditions. That's where I think the "badou mentality" should be applied. The educational system first implemented here in Qatar was aimed to teaching children in the school about these things. That's why it's called "وزارة التربية والتعليم". For those of you who can't read Arabic, I'll loosely translate that: Ministry of Upbringing and Education. I'm not sure how that's translated exactly, so whomever can translate that according to how it's supposed to be, please do.

Kbaisi >>

Just because sickening behavior occurred and is still occurring (only now it's rapidly spreading), doesn't mean I have to tolerate it and do nothing about it. If you knew Islam, the prophet said that if you see a wrong doing happening to change it with your hands, if you can't then with your tongue, and if not with your tongue, then at least hate it with all your heart.

See? This is what I'm talking about.

اقتربت الساعة ونسينا ديننا. الله معانا و يعيننا. انشاء الله تتذكرون كلام ربّكم و الرسول

By Happy Happy• 5 Apr 2010 16:37
Happy Happy

Ines_pt, what are you referring to? I see all the hyperlinks provided in this thread opening to English writing. Couldn't get your point, sorry.:)


By Ines_pt• 5 Apr 2010 16:07

And they are right bleu, arabic is their national language!

By bleu• 5 Apr 2010 15:55

Most Qataris prefer to write in Arabic...

By Ines_pt• 5 Apr 2010 15:53

This site is just for Qataris or for all... I visit the site... but I am not getting the point! :|

By kbaisi• 5 Apr 2010 13:14

@qtrezchick23: I don't get what your problem is with those who choose to drink or do other things that you perceive to be 'corrupting' the qataris, why do they 'need and excuse' for drinking or not going to the mosque? You are not the one they have to answer to about their personal life choices, as long as they are not hurting anyone what's the harm? Just because they drink or do not pray does not mean they lack morals. The relationship between you and your religion is a personal matter, and not something society should stick it's nose in. Even back in '93 there were all sorts of sickening behavior going on, it has nothing to do with banning clubs/alcohol, but more with how the people were raised.

By Happy Happy• 5 Apr 2010 11:24
Happy Happy

qtrezchick23, I salute you. I realize I'm an outsider, but have been wanting to ask you about the "badou mentality" you've expressed you want applied for discipline, would you want it applied in arbitration too?

This is no tricky question, I'm only trying to get inside your brain, if you don't mind.


By qtrezchick23• 5 Apr 2010 11:12

I never mentioned blocking borders, I mentioned culture, religion, morals, ethics...all of which everyone tends to ignore. True that all of those things should be taught at home, but what good is it if it's taught at home then depleted by our society once our children step their foot out of the door?! It's pointless! It's also sad to see our Muslim children grow up around a generation of careless people. I'm 27 yrs old and just had a child. My husband and I are in shock over the things that go on around here. I was never tempted to try alcohol, go to a club, start dating, or any of those things. This is coming from a Qatariya born and raised in the USA. What's the excuse for those who were born and raised here? The fortunate ones who were raised in a country where a mosque is on every corner?! It's so pathetic. Brings tears to my eyes to see how weak our people have become.

That's the point of Freedom4Qatar. Bring back rights to the Qataris, religion to us Muslims, tradition and culture and pride to the Qataris! The end is near and all of this is proof.

By Happy Happy• 4 Apr 2010 22:37
Happy Happy

qtrezchick23, very noble, but most if not all of what you're calling out for, exclusive of your last post, can and should be taught and enriched in the children at home. It's called upbringing. Blocking borders by air, sea and land is what you want?

Is this Freedom4Qatar?


By nicaq25• 4 Apr 2010 12:04

let it begin with the Sponsorship system. There are other countries, smaller than Qatar in area (like Singapore) yet, look how they progress through the years.

By bleu• 4 Apr 2010 11:35
Rating: 5/5

LOL... Just a stupid ad for a new forum... In English.

In 1993, and even 1983 There were MANY private parties with a nightclub-like scene and lots of booze. Just like you didn't hear about it doesn't mean it didn't exist...

Alcohol has been available here since the early 1900s. First at the British homes, then their Embassy then at QDC.

I prefer Qatar now... what I need changed is new infrastructure, and probably a few new cities. BIG cities far away from Doha. We really need 5-lane streets. We really need faster internet (and a little less censored, I hate Google's forced "safe search")

By genesis• 4 Apr 2010 11:03

Only certain book themes were allowed to enter the country. For instance do you know that novelist like Naguib Mahfouz & ihsan abdel quddous books or even nazar qabani poems were banned in Qatar up to the late 90’s! And those were Arab intellects...

Family bookshop was the only English bookshop that used to sell fiction back in the early 90’s. And I still remember when the salesperson told me they stop importing fiction as Department of media censorship confiscated all Sidney Sheldon/Anne rice novels!

I can't say that racial profiling was systematic. But let's say, that There was consideration that Higher positions in most government sectors once was limited to certain tribes. regardless of thier qualification

This is no longer the case, you know

By kbaisi• 4 Apr 2010 09:56

@ genesis : Can you elaborate on the confiscation of imported books? All I remember is my school books for biology were scribbled out, and what about the systematic racial profiling? What was it used for?

By Nic• 4 Apr 2010 09:41


I do think that brainstorming in a free environment, can bring some good ideas and who knows if these ideas remain on record, one day they might even be addressed!

However, I must agree with most of the people here that Qataris currently have no say on the policies that govern Qatar, not to mention foreigners’ opinions!

A year or so ago, another Qatari hero came here in QL (http://www.qatarliving.com/node/410580) and asked all expats to say what they thought so he could bring these views to a higher Qatari executive rank, for eventual action. He disappeared faster than he arrived, without trace of any feedback or action.

Now that you have clarified your intentions and objectives and that Genesis has presented valid arguments, could you please let us know, if you still want Qatar to revert to the 90’s?

By genesis• 4 Apr 2010 08:11

Allow me to explain , HH Shaika Moza Bint Nasser have established recently the Qatar foundation for combating Human trafficking.


This institution raises its recommendation to the Advisory council. Once approved it’s raised to Ministry council for implementation.

When tackling those issues, you must understand the mentality of Decision-makers. Not many have the ability to accept change. Specially those who thinks that these changes will affect their businesses

But believe me, change is coming gradually

By deepb• 4 Apr 2010 08:09

The only thing I miss about old Qatar is the lower population levels. Ah being able to reach from one corner of doha to the other in 5 minutes. Parking never being a problem. Progress can't be halted though and we have to compromise in some ways as time goes on.

By pogi2ehh• 4 Apr 2010 07:42

Genesis i agree... human rights... number one is the slavery system... should be address and need reform of this matter...

By genesis• 4 Apr 2010 07:32

Did you know there were no considerations whatsoever for civil society institutions?

Many here comment about the standard of human rights and Qatar ranking among other nations, without knowing that a decade ago it was even worse. There were absolutely no efforts for reforms.

check out “alraya” newspaper today With full coverage report about the institute of Qatar foundation for women & children protection newly opened shelter compound with 25 villas fully furnished for Victims of domestic violence.

Do you think this would be achieved if things were remained the same as 1993?

Many locals still think that domestic violence is a private matter & the state should never interfere

By genesis• 4 Apr 2010 06:56

Did I mention that satellite dishes were banned, And only in 1993 were QTEL allowed to start a tv cable system called “Qatar cable Vision” which was also heavily censored.

By smoke• 4 Apr 2010 06:44

Well access to that site is blocked for moi, so here i am. Before we start giving you our opinions let me first ask, in what position are you going to be able to change anything about Qatar? I mean sure, we'll tell u the sky is not blue enough, or the the prices of Pepsi have gone up. We can also sit and crib about how racism still exists in companies, and how unfair it is to just scream Qatarization, Qatarization, just to put unqualified Qataris in high positions with little or no experience to boss over people that DO have the qualification and experience.

So tell us what can you do to make things better around Qatar. Every country has to go through change, every generation will modernize to suit the world around them, you cant hold on to the past. Change is inevitable. Prepare of change :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Mandilulur• 4 Apr 2010 06:29

That is an amazing, incredible and miraculous journey that Qatar has undertaken in the past decade or so - unprecedented in any other time or any place I would venture to say. I lived in Palestine for a time and I kept saying to people that it felt like swimming through molasses. So much effort for little or no progress. I would tell those I talked to about the wonderful energy in the Gulf, especially among young women who were beginning to see that their possibilities were virtually limitless. Going back to the "good old days" is never possible. But it's kinda fun to talk about what was good about them and what is seen through the distorted lens of nostalgia. Have you ever seen the American series Mad Men? It's a painful look at what the late fifties were like in the US, particularly for women. It's always a delicate balance and tension between tradition and innovation and I think that Qatar is, on balance, doing very well. But I still maintain that new visa decision is a big step backwards!


By nicaq25• 4 Apr 2010 06:12

I was not here in 1993 and not until 2003, I haven't heard of Qatar before.

By genesis• 4 Apr 2010 05:58

Lack of educational potential was not the only drawback in 1993 ,There was hardly any system whatsoever.

Very little budget was allocated for infrastructure, health & education despite the fact that Qatar have always been oil rich and entire population was less than 500,000

When people complain now about infrastructure, i always explain that laterally everything started on 1998.

censoring in media was even worse than Saudi, the only books allowed were children & religion books.Imported books are Confiscated whatever was the genre.

Racial profiling was organized.In particular among Qataris from different races

women were not allowed to drive, employed only in education & health sector & gender segregation was applied on all government offices.

things have changed drastically in the past decade.Overcoming all that gradually, was not easy

I can't understand why would anyone long to live under the oppression of the previous regime

By Mandilulur• 4 Apr 2010 02:19

qtrezchick, you go girl! Look at all the insights and help you've gotten already, especially from Happy Happy on guidelines for being an effective change agent. As most of us know, you don't have to have it all together to post the seed of an idea. The idea is to get discussion going. To continue it, one of the drawbacks of returning to 1993 would be the lack of educational opportunity here in Qatar, don't you agree?


By Jorginho• 4 Apr 2010 00:10

ho there is a manual for changing mentality ?!!

my point is go on qtrezchick23

hasta la victoria, siempre !


Thus Spoke Zararootska

By Happy Happy• 3 Apr 2010 22:58
Rating: 4/5
Happy Happy

I'm not belittling your endeavor to make your voice heard. I'll share with you what my tutor says about Leading Change:

1- Create sense of urgency

2- Form a guiding coalition (you're missing this core. QL is made up of 95% non-Qatari. You want locals buy-in)

3- Create a vision

4- Communicate your vision

5- Empower action

6- Create short-term wins

7- Produce more change

8- Anchor new approaches in the culture (you're jumping here, it won't work).

All the best. Bless you.


By kbaisi• 3 Apr 2010 20:30

Well I am Qatari and don't understand your concerns either to be honest.

Actually with my common sense I know that there is no point in trying to have an open discussion about issues that concerns us because we don't exactly vote for those who make these kind of decisions in the country, I don't want to get into politics but logic tells me they are not under the threat of their 'party' not being reelected, therefore couldn't careless about your opinion of the direction the country is going in.

Fortunately I prefer the direction it's going in now compared to back in 1993, the idea of protecting the rights of individuals is taken into much more account now compared to back then. Women can drive, Qataris have opportunities to work in the private sector, more investments coming in, more rights for laborers compared to back then (yes it was once worse than it currently is) and so on.

Whether or not one chooses to drink or go to night clubs is a personal decision, and should have nothing to do with the character of an entire nation. Did 'real' muslims back then visit Dubai/Bahrain? Did that suddenly turn them into 'bad' muslims? Alcohol was served there and whether they chose to have a drink or not was an individual choice, not Bahrain or Dubai corrupting them into 'bad' muslims.

By genesis• 3 Apr 2010 20:21

qtrezchick23 said I wish this country was the way it was back in 1993. No alcohol, no night clubs, no bars! It was much better. Muslims were real Muslims. Qataris were real Qataris.


ROFL...do you really think that anyone here supports you on your cause?

Why on earth would anyone wants things to be like it used to be back in the early 90's?

By qtrezchick23• 3 Apr 2010 20:09

All of you have misunderstood the whole point of the forum and of my concern. It's not discontent, or mobilizing foreigners, or anger issues. If you're not a Qatari who cares about how things are going in this country, you won't understand my concern.

Nicaq and kbaisi >>

Don't you think - with all your common sense - that if we could voice our concerns to our government, there would be all of the problems we're having now?!

I wish this country was the way it was back in 1993. No alcohol, no night clubs, no bars! It was much better. Muslims were real Muslims. Qataris were real Qataris. They were proud of their culture and didn't want to be like the rest of the world. Now all they want is to be like Westerners. My mom is American and my dad is Qatari and although I was raised in the United States, I was - and am - very proud of my Arab roots.

By nicaq25• 3 Apr 2010 09:57
Rating: 4/5

QL maybe a social forum wherein you can read comments of some 'unhappy' people in Qatar, but as an expat to join your cause as Qatari, I don't think this it's appropriate. We expats, may voice out & complain about the way you government runs here, but, that I guess that's all we could do. If you have discontent with your government, it is you as citizen should do that, not us because,we will not be here for long. Even expat with specific contract are unfortunately being fired in no time at all. In fact, what has we (expat) had to do with your cause? If you want to see change in your country,you don't have to drag foreigners of it,for I tell you, it is not a good idea. By the way, what are you trying to drive at with your campaign? To change Qatar? in what sense actually?

By kbaisi• 3 Apr 2010 09:48

I agree with nicaq, citizens should voice their opinions to their government if they want change, not the expatriates!And I am curious what exactly are you trying to achieve by all this? There is a reason the content of the local media is monitored and controlled...

By Happy Happy• 3 Apr 2010 01:33
Happy Happy

qtrezchick23, I believe you're in the wrong forum. Making a change in Qatar isn't going to be materialized by mobilizing foreigners. Your site may turn into a 2nd iteration of QatarSucks.

I hope you get my point.


By seasons• 2 Apr 2010 16:00

U think they are going to be least bit interested of what we say?

By qtrezchick23• 2 Apr 2010 15:31

Nic >>

I wasn't replying to your comment, but rather to everyone else who was about to jump on my case for "speaking out against Qatar" when I'm really not. I just want things to change.

I understood your post. :-)

By Nic• 2 Apr 2010 15:18


You misunderstood me.

What I was trying to say is when here in Qatar Living, people say what they think about situations that need improvement, they are often accused of Qatar bashing.

I don’t see that way, I see it as a starting point for improvement.

I said, I totally endorse your initiative and will participate.

By qtrezchick23• 2 Apr 2010 14:49

I want to hear everyone's voice. No one is excluded. If you have an opinion, share it.

By qtrezchick23• 2 Apr 2010 14:49

I am Qatari, FYI. So stop being ignorant and realize that Qataris and most people who have lived here for most of their lives aren't getting what they have a right to.

Why do you think it's about bashing the country? It's not. It's about trying to change what's not right about the country.


By heartcollector• 2 Apr 2010 12:57

All the ppl who r living here shows that there is a oppurtunity for them here

There is a very simple rule


By liberty guy• 2 Apr 2010 12:18
liberty guy

great idea

By Nic• 2 Apr 2010 12:16

Great idea, as here in QL when things that need improvement are pointed out, people jump up and down Qatar bashing or negativism accusations!

I'll have a look!

By anonymous• 2 Apr 2010 11:12

Flan, you're sober?

By anonymous• 2 Apr 2010 11:11

voices heard by whome..?

By anonymous• 2 Apr 2010 11:09

If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

By flanostu• 2 Apr 2010 11:04

don't fight the system!

everything is fine here.

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