First of all check which city your hotel is located in. If in Dubai, you're out of luck. In Doha, you should be able to make arrangements with a private car/driver to drop you off and pick you up. If necessary, I have thename and number of a reliable network PM me.
If you don't know where you're going and you're not used to the driving "standard" (and I use the term loosely) in Qatar, your best bet is to get a driver/car.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
First of all check which city your hotel is located in. If in Dubai, you're out of luck. In Doha, you should be able to make arrangements with a private car/driver to drop you off and pick you up. If necessary, I have thename and number of a reliable network PM me.
If you don't know where you're going and you're not used to the driving "standard" (and I use the term loosely) in Qatar, your best bet is to get a driver/car.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"