they showed that in india 96% of female foetuses are aborted during pregnancy.. and the ultrasound clinics displayed signs " spend five hundred now and save fifty thousand later" which meant if you spend five hundred and find out the gender of the baby, you could abort the girl and save fifty thousand on dowry later.
right now in india there are 800 women for every 1000 men and in indian punjab there are 7000 women for every 1000 men...there was a special section about WK's home province Haryana where woman is a rare species. they were showing a family of five grown sons.. only one was married and the other four said that they had no chance of getting a bride and the only married son just had a baby...and guess what was the gender of the baby...male, of course.
"The more I see of the world the more am I dissatisfied with it." Jane Austen.
they showed that in india 96% of female foetuses are aborted during pregnancy.. and the ultrasound clinics displayed signs " spend five hundred now and save fifty thousand later" which meant if you spend five hundred and find out the gender of the baby, you could abort the girl and save fifty thousand on dowry later.
right now in india there are 800 women for every 1000 men and in indian punjab there are 7000 women for every 1000 men...there was a special section about WK's home province Haryana where woman is a rare species. they were showing a family of five grown sons.. only one was married and the other four said that they had no chance of getting a bride and the only married son just had a baby...and guess what was the gender of the baby...male, of course.
"The more I see of the world the more am I dissatisfied with it." Jane Austen.