Since the last ice age...the earth has an approximate rate of increase of its temp of 0.5'c every hundred years, in the last 100 years the temp increase was more than 2.5'c…. thats due to the increase of pollution which increases the greenhouse gasses which blocks the sun rays which are reflected of the earth surface and suppose to go back to space in the earth system which increases the temp which increase of evaporation which will lead to increase the number of hurricanes and the intensity of it...thats for the parts of the world where hurricanes happens...for other parts, like here in the gulf, it has the opposite effect, the max temp of the year will keep increasing... the sand storm will increase in number and intensity...just like we 2 to 3 months of high humidity, we will have 2 to 3 months of continues sand storms in the very near future.... other parts like India where the monsoons hits every year for a period of 3 months(rainy season)....the increase of earths temp will extend the period of the season and increase of the amount of rain fall which will lead to more flooding...if you notice in the last 10 years floodings due to monsoons have increased in all parts of Asia comparing to the decade before Europe the temperature's are increasing in the summer till the point where there is a number of animals dies due to the heat....all of the is called global warming which is dragging our earth to the next ice age in less than hundred years from know I would say