I did show my maturnity level, I followd the running away mother and I spoke to her, I asked her why she left without saying 'Sorry' to me or my daughter, she told me her son is only 1 1/2 years old and he can't talk yet, I told her "you are not your son's age and you know what is wrong and what is right, and you should be a model for your son" then she told me "I don't speak English tell me in Arabic" then I just gave up on her, she gave a kiss to my daughter but I don't buy it, it should've not happened at the first place and even if it did, then she should've not walked away with out any appologies.
I am not raisict, but I see the same action from the same group of people.

I know what you are saying,I have two kids and they are 28 months and 18 months and I have days that I go thru very hard time, but still I manage not to show it to my kids and I have raised them in a way that they would not touch or do something if they know its wrong, Becuase I Taught them from the very beginning that hitting others are wrong, since they have NEVER hit or punched another baby so I don't accept others to treat them badly. If my kids ever raise their hands on another baby I will make them appologize for the other baby and they will get punished, but it seems like there is no punishment here since they are all raised by nannies...Who cares.

I know it exists everywhere in the world, but you can see it a lot more often in some prats of the world than the other.

you did the right thing. But if I were you I probably would want to slap the mother, becase she is the one who needs a slapp.

"I'd love to change the world, but I can't find a big enough diaper"