I know some will not gona like what I am saying, but please you guys and I'm addressing this to those who are not Qataris, please STOP telling us what to do and what to do, I understand you're just stating you pov's however, you probably didn't still comprehended completely the Qatari culture and the religion and how this goes together ,remember Qatar isn't a secular country after all !

I am here in the US, I can do what ever i want and just cut it lose! But I didn't wana do such thing, in matter of fact, I thought i was angry at my society back in Qatar, but after me spending years here in the US, I discovered that I was wrong, see how much the american society in deep deep problems from debts to unemployment, from teen pregnancy to alcoholic and drugs problems, homeless people who don't know anything about their families

Yes, we do have some problems in the Qatari society, but hey at least women are respected! No one is gona harass me for wearing hejab, no one is gona call me a muslim terrorist, no one is gona attack me in the middle of the night if i am out to rob me and point a gun to my head! and these are few scenarios that can happen to any girl,yet there's no such thing in Qatar!

Freedom isn't about drinking, clubbing, doing drugs and dress inappropriately! You're mistaken God gave you the freedom, God gave people the freedom and what human kind did? they took it away from Black and enslave them!
So it's a problem with mankind, we screw everything up and then we run and we wana fix it but sometimes it's too late to do so!
So, the bottom line is and i truly believe in it if Islam said don't do x,y,z there's a reason, there's a logic behind whither in the short run or the long run and of course people who should obey will be awarded.

& those who said men and women should be treated equally in Qatar, yes I do agree with some restriction and I do agree to some extant. But compared to so many country's history and the way they treated women, or blacks we are way better. The US gained it's independence 1776,and they started women suffrage or in plain english women right to vote in 1922 ! whereas Qatar gained their independence in 1971 women got the right to vote in the municipality council in 1999 ! Can you guys do the math ?
& the examples goes on and on and on ..

'till later, take care and think and act responsibly !

''Ask me NO questions, & I'll tell you NO lies :)''