The western women and girls are most welcome to live here in Qatar as long as they respect our cultures and traditions which many of them are doing and thats why many Qatari people like this type of western women and girls.
Girls and western women can go to the beaches and enjoy swimming wearing bikini and it is ok for me if they do that.
If a man does not want to see this he can simply not go to the beach or go to another part of the beach.
I am not telling western women to wear Burqa and Abaya but simply a descent dress which many western women are doing, I am not telling you Nic to wear a thoub (local men dress here in Qatar).
Life is about respecting each other which obviously you do not have from your reply to me.
Any how I guess the message is clear live and let live according to some limits.
Nic here is some good statements:
1. Humans can not live without freedome
2. Freedome without limit is chaos.
3. Chaos destroys communities.
No one will tell you Nic to go to the Mosque if you are in a Muslim country.
No one will tell a Muslim to drink alcohol if he is in a western country.