true and book problem here not just the library,,
its bigger. you can not find arabic titles ,, they just dont publish big deal of books..
these information from an arabic newspaper al-hayat
in average : americans read 11 books per year, british 7 books, and arabs 1/4 page.
arab countries publish 1 book per 12000 people, in britain 1 book for each 500, germany 1/700
arabs translate per year 300 books to arabic israel tranlsates 15000 books to hebrow per year
and book problem here not just the library,,
its bigger. you can not find arabic titles ,, they just dont publish big deal of books..
these information from an arabic newspaper al-hayat
in average : americans read 11 books per year, british 7 books, and arabs 1/4 page.
arab countries publish 1 book per 12000 people, in britain 1 book for each 500, germany 1/700
arabs translate per year 300 books to arabic
israel tranlsates 15000 books to hebrow per year