I apologize to all my qatari friends...
Library of my little town in Spain (7,500 habitants) has more volumes and more updated than Qatar National Library (all in capital words) - and Im not talking about english selection, Im talking about the gross number of books.
But I cannot tell you what is worst, quality or quantity.
"1987 Record Guinnes Book"????? - Lets leave aside how serious is this book...What is this? archeology?
"MS DOS enciclopedia"???
Keeping these books is a waste of space.
Searching method to find a book is by hardcopied cards, TYPED in typewriting machine!!!! Last time I saw these drawers in a library was in 1993...
Im thinking very very very seriously to make a donation to library...
where can i find princeton review sat subject math level 1 in qatar or any 1 whos selling?
if u need any ebooks,do ask me :-) i have found solace in them now :-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I love books, but honestly I cannot accumulate more in my library. Taking into account Im living in a rent tiny hole and when job finish I will have to move everything back Im very reluctant to buy the books.
As libraries are not in option in Qatar. Is there any other option? bookcrossing?
Book group in QL is not very active...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
i was really upset when they closed down the British Council Library here a few years ago.I was one of it's youngest members way back in the 80s at the age of 4.and i owe my vocabulary to the wonderful books i read there.that place was my favorite place to hang out.when all the other kids used to beg their folks to take them to the parks,i wanted to go only to the library.miss those days like hell :-( we really need a good lending library idea of sharing my ebooks was a humble way to rekindle those old habits that people were fast losing.
hope someone would sit up and notice :-S
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
and book problem here not just the library,,
its bigger. you can not find arabic titles ,, they just dont publish big deal of books..
these information from an arabic newspaper al-hayat
in average : americans read 11 books per year, british 7 books, and arabs 1/4 page.
arab countries publish 1 book per 12000 people, in britain 1 book for each 500, germany 1/700
arabs translate per year 300 books to arabic
israel tranlsates 15000 books to hebrow per year
Link attached.
Directions, if you are in corniche take the Museum of Islamic Art roundabout in direction to downtown (to the city) - cross first roundabout, in second roundabout at your left hand you will find the Qatar National Library.,51.540277&num=1&sll=25.281892,51.517541&sspn=0.161482,0.256119&hl=es&ie=UTF8&ll=25.284865,51.539912&spn=0.018354,0.027509&z=15
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
...listen to the sound of silence....
People who read start asking questions. No non-elected government would like this.
Where is this National Library?
Qatar has a National Library?
not me heero, i want to learn how to enjoy life in qatar
No need to apologise...I should be so much better if it supposed to be a national library.
------------------------------------- usually means "Stationary store" for Notebooks, pencils, rubbers, etc.
The biggest "Library" in Qatar is Jarir Book Store ...I m glad they did not name it "Jarir Library for Books"...but in Jarir at least you will find some books.