Every opinion that everyone has on this subject is valid. Why? Because we are humans, and one of the things that define us as human is that our intelligence level allows us to conceptualise and experience a vast range of emotions.
So, the married guy conceptualises (replace "concept" with "fantasy" if you need a clearer picture) about the attractive brunette with the big boobies that he saw in the elevator.
The lonely woman conceptualises about the hunky guy with the toned and tanned six-pack that she saw at the pool.
Chances are that neither of them will end up with the one they are fantasising about, but the seeds are sown and our very ability to visualise a concept is what lays the groundwork for infidelity.
This may be a married man being unfaithful to his wife (been there, done that, got the divorce papers), or a married woman cheating on her husband (been the third party in this one too, and it gets messy) or, as the original thread specified, a single woman having an affair with a married man.
At the end of the day, no matter how much we all know that it is wrong, should never be condoned, and often ends up destroying families and leaving emotional scars that can take years to heal (if they ever do), we also know that we are all capable of the same acts.
So next time you have a harmless little fantasy about the guy/girl next door, think about how easy it would be to take the next step.
There but for the grace of conscience go I ????
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman
Every opinion that everyone has on this subject is valid. Why? Because we are humans, and one of the things that define us as human is that our intelligence level allows us to conceptualise and experience a vast range of emotions.
So, the married guy conceptualises (replace "concept" with "fantasy" if you need a clearer picture) about the attractive brunette with the big boobies that he saw in the elevator.
The lonely woman conceptualises about the hunky guy with the toned and tanned six-pack that she saw at the pool.
Chances are that neither of them will end up with the one they are fantasising about, but the seeds are sown and our very ability to visualise a concept is what lays the groundwork for infidelity.
This may be a married man being unfaithful to his wife (been there, done that, got the divorce papers), or a married woman cheating on her husband (been the third party in this one too, and it gets messy) or, as the original thread specified, a single woman having an affair with a married man.
At the end of the day, no matter how much we all know that it is wrong, should never be condoned, and often ends up destroying families and leaving emotional scars that can take years to heal (if they ever do), we also know that we are all capable of the same acts.
So next time you have a harmless little fantasy about the guy/girl next door, think about how easy it would be to take the next step.
There but for the grace of conscience go I ????
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman